1.非洲大牛导演 一个非洲哥们搞电影的很牛,拿了好多奖,国际上也很认可,有一个人曾经称赞他是:“拍电影挣到的钱让他的生活变得更好,但是他不是为了钱拍电影”。(这个有考高亮,下面那个和这种情况类似,我选的一个神马做雕塑的打零工挣钱是为了更好的雕塑,不一定对。。。)他拍(?)电影的特点是都是用的非洲语言,他说神马他的电影是要让非洲的观众看的,而欧美只是market(考了个题,忘了题目了,不过不难)。他对非洲的定义不像那些传统非洲eilte那样的定义认为只是“do what it call”(好像是这么说的)。这里高亮考到了传统的定义是什么。。。要稍微推敲一下。然后还说他的电影和好莱坞的不同,使用了一种narrative(叙述)的手法,为了让非洲人民怎样的(大概意思是让他们能够思考一些东西),但是和政府的观点有悖,所以政府不让播(这种情况咱应该可以理解,哈哈) 然后最后一段说他在布基纳法索拍一个电影,电影的工作人员有来自世界各地的。。。最后总结说他做了很多其他非洲导演一直嚷嚷着要做全从没有做成功的事。
1)有一个似乎是主题题,选项忘了。。。不过通篇都在说这个非洲大牛,应该不难选 2)
参与了政治;拍完了电影;运用了国外资金;为非洲电影作出了贡献;实现了他第一段提出的梦想(这两个疑似,到时候看看),我好想选的这个,忘了。。。。。汗 类似物: Many critics agree that the primary characteristic of Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembene's work is its sociopolitical commitment.(观点一) Sembene was trained in Moscow in the cinematic methods of socialist realism, and he asserts that his films are not meant to (5) entertain his compatriots, but rather to raise their awareness of the past and present realities of their society. (观点二,大牛导演自己的观点)But his originality as a filmmaker lies most Strikingly in his having successfully adapted film, originally a Western cultural medium, to the needs, (10) pace, and structures of West African culture. In particular, Sembene has found within African oral culture techniques and strategies that enable him to express his views and to reach both literate and non literate Senegalese viewer (15) (这些都是作者观点,第三个观点) |