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Indiana / Kelley 公布 2016-2017 Essay Topics

The Indiana University / Kelley School of Business admissions committee has released the 2016-2017 MBA essay topics. The Indiana / Kelley essay set is unchanged from last admissions season, consisting of three required essays and an optional essay.

2016-2017 Indiana University / Kelley Essay Topics

1. Please discuss your immediate post-MBA professional goals. How will your professional experience, when combined with a Kelley MBA degree, allow you to achieve these goals? Should the short-term goals you have identified not materialize, what alternate career paths might you consider? (500 words)

2. Please respond to one of the following short essay prompts. (300 words)

a. My greatest memory is…
      b. I’m most afraid of…
      c. My greatest challenge has been…
      d. I’m most proud of…

3. Please share with the admissions committee an interesting or surprising fact about you. (25 words)

Optional Essay:

Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you shouldn’t feel obligated to answer this question. (300 words)

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