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【MBA申请北美商学院Essay题目汇总】 MBA Essay Topics 2016-2017

1.Harvard Business School

As we review your application, what more would you like us toknow as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School

There is no wordlimit for this question.  We think you knowwhat guidance we’re going to give here. Don’t overthink, overcraft andoverwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us whodon’t know your world can understand.

Joint program applicants for the Harvard MedicalSchool, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Law School, and HarvardKennedy School must provide an additional essay:

How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you onboth a professional and a personal level? (400 words)

2. StanfordGSB Essay Topics

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (Suggested word count: 750)
For this essay we would like you to:

·Do some deep self-examination, so youcan genuinely illustrate who you are and how you came to be the person you are.

·Share the insights, experiences, andlessons that shaped your perspectives, rather than focusing merely on whatyou’ve done or accomplished.

·Write from the heart, and illustrate howa person, situation, or event has influenced you.

·Focus on the “why” rather than the“what.”

Essay B: Why Stanford? (Suggested word count: 400; 450 for applicants to both theMBA and MBx programs)

·Enlighten us on how earning your MBA atStanford will enable you to realize your ambitions.

·Explain your decision to pursue graduateeducation in management.

·Explain the distinctive opportunitiesyou will pursue at Stanford.

·If you are applying to both the MBA andMSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.

3.UPenn / Wharton

Essay 1 (Required): What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

Essay 2 (Required): Teamwork is at the core of the Wharton MBA experience with each student contributing unique elements to our collaborative culture. How will you contribute to the Wharton community? (400 words)

4.U. Chicago Booth

View this collection of shared Booth moments. Choose the moment that best resonates with you and tell us why.

Presentation/Essay Guidelines:

  • Choose the format that works for you. Want to illustrate your response visually? Submit a slide presentation. Like to express yourself with words? Write a traditional essay. Use the format that you feel best captures your response, the Admissions Committee has no preference.
  • Determine your own length. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum length. We trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the space.

Technical Guidelines:

  • File Size: Maximum file size is 16 MB.
  • Accepted Upload Formats: Acceptable formats are PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. We strongly recommend converting your piece to a PDF file prior to submitting.
  • Multimedia Restrictions: We will be viewing your submission electronically and in full color, but all submissions will be converted to PDF files, so animation, video, music, etc. will not translate over.

Optional Essay:

Is there any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know? If so, please address in an optional essay. (300 word maximum)

Re-applicant Essay:

Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application?(300 words maximum)

5.MIT /Sloan

Please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Senior Director of Admissions. (250 words or fewer)

Résumé: Please submit a résumé that includes your employment history and academic record in reverse chronological order. Other information appropriate to a business resume is welcomed and encouraged. (no more than 1 page in length)

Additional Information (Optional):

The Admissions Committee invites you to share additional information about yourself, in any format. If you choose a multimedia format, please host the information on a website and provide us with the URL.

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6.Northwestern / Kellogg

Essay 1: Leadership and teamwork are integral parts of the Kellogg experience. Describe a recent and meaningful time you were a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn? (450 words)

Essay 2: Pursuing an MBA is a catalyst for personal and professional growth. How have you grown in the past? How do you intend to grow at Kellogg? (450 words)

Re-applicant Essay: Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 word limit)

Additional Information: If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, etc.) (no word count)

7. Berkeley / Haas

Essays help us learn about who you are as a person and how you will fit with our community. We seek candidates from a broad range of cultures, backgrounds, and industries who demonstrate a strong cultural fit with our program and defining principles. Our distinctive culture is defined by four key principles – Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself. We encourage you to reflect on your experiences, values, and passions so that you may craft a thoughtful and authentic response.

Essay 1: If you could choose one song that expresses who you are, what is it and why? (250 word maximum)

Essay 2: Please respond to one of the following prompts: (250 word maximum)

• Describe an experience that has fundamentally changed the way you see the world and how it transformed you.
      • Describe a time when you were challenged by perspectives different from your own and how you responded.
      • Describe a difficult decision you have made and why it was challenging.

In your response, clearly indicate to which prompt (1, 2, or 3) you are responding. We do not have a preference among the prompts and suggest that you select the one for which you can share a specific experience, professional or personal.

Essay 3: Tell us about your career plans. How have your past experiences prepared you to achieve these goals? How will Berkeley-Haas help you? (500 words maximum)

You are encouraged to reflect on what it is you want to do after business school, including the types of roles, responsibilities, and organizations that are of interest. Through this essay we hope to learn about your professional journey to date and how an MBA will facilitate your success – broadly defined – in the future.

Optional Essay: Use this essay to share information that is not presented elsewhere in the application, for example (500 word maximum):

• Explanation of employment gaps or academic aberrations
      • Quantitative abilities
      • For re-applicants, improvements to your candidacy

8.Columbia Business School

Goal: What is your immediate post-MBA professionalgoal? (50 characters)

Essay #1: Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of yourprofessional path to date. What are your career goals going forward, and howwill the Columbia MBA help you achieve them? (100-750 words)

Essay #2: Columbia Business School’s students participate in industry focused NewYork immersion seminars; in project based Master Classes; and in school yearinternships. Most importantly, they are taught by a combination ofdistinguished research faculty and accomplished practitioners. How will youtake advantage of being “at the very center of business”? (100-500 Words)

Essay #3: CBS Matters, a key element of the School’sculture, allows the people in your Cluster to learn more about you on apersonal level. What will your Clustermates be pleasantly surprised to learnabout you? (100-250 Words)

9.Dartmouth / Tuck

2016-2017 Dartmouth / Tuck Essay Topics
  • (Required) Tuck educates wise leaders who better the world of business. What are your short- and long-term goals? How will a Tuck MBA enable you to become a wise leader with global impact? (500-700 words words)
  • (Required) As a diverse and global community, our students arrive at the same place from many different paths.  Tell us about an experience in which you have had to live, learn and/or work with other people very different from yourself.  What challenges and/or opportunities did you experience, how did you respond, and what did you learn about yourself as a result? (500 words)
  • (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application.
  • (Required from Reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally.

    10.UVA Darden

2016-2017 UVA Darden Essay Topic

Describe the most important professional feedback you have received and how you responded to this feedback.
(500 words)

According to the Darden MBA Admissions Blog: “In asking this question, the Admissions Committee invites you to reflect on your professional experience – both the lessons you learned and how you have used that information to move forward. When we read your answer, we hope to learn more about your background and about how you use feedback to better yourself, as well as how well you can articulate your learnings.”



11.NYU Stern

Essay 1:  Professional Aspirations (750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)
Why pursue an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life?
What actions have you taken to determine that Stern is the best fit for your MBA experience?
What do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?

Essay 2:  Personal Expression
Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.  

Please note the following guidelines and restrictions:

  • Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for any reason.
  • Written Submission: The essay should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font.
  • Video/Audio Submission: If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum, and the file should be uploaded to a video/audio hosting website. You must include the URL, along with a brief description of the video/audio piece, in a Word or PDF document with your online application. Do not mail a USB or DVD to our office. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate essay if we are unable to view your submission.
  • Physical Submission: If you submit a physical piece for this essay (e.g. artwork), you must include a Word or PDF document with a photo and a brief description of your submission with your online application and note the following:
  • Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food), or any item that has been worn (e.g. clothing).
  • Mailed materials must be postmarked by the application deadline date. Please follow our mail and labeling instructions.
  • Mailed packages are subject to the size restrictions below. Submissions that exceed the stated size restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee.

Candidates should also make sure to visit Stern’s website to review the size restrictions for Essay 2.

Essay 3: Additional Information (optional)
Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE, IELTS or TOEFL or any other relevant information.

12.Michigan / Ross

1. What are you most proud of outside of your professional life? How does it shape who you are today? (up to 400 words)

2. What is your desired career path and why? (up to 250 words)

Optional Statement:
This section should only be used to convey information not addressed elsewhere in your application, for example, completion of supplemental coursework, employment gaps, academic issues, etc. Feel free to use bullet points where appropriate.

13.Duke / Fuqua

2016-2017 Duke / Fuqua MBA Essay Topics Required Short Answer Questions

Instructions: Answer all 3 of the following questions. For each question, respond in 500 characters only (the equivalent of about 100 words).

  • What are your short-term goals, post-MBA?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the short-term goals that you provided above not materialize what alternative directions have you considered?
First Required Essay: 25 Random Things About Yourself

Instructions: Present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed 2 pages.

The “Team Fuqua” spirit and community is one of the things that sets The Duke MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the Admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of “25 Random Things About Yourself.” As an Admissions team, we already know the new hire’s professional and academic background, so learning these “25 Random Things” helps us get to know someone’s personality, background, special talents, and more.

In this spirit, the Admissions Committee also wants to get to know you–beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. You can share with us important life experiences, your likes/dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. Share with us your list of “25 Random Things” about YOU.

Second Required Essay

Instructions: Your response should be no more than 2 pages in length.

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and are vital to providing you with a range of experiential learning and individual development experiences.

Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, how do you see yourself engaging in and contributing to our community, outside of the classroom?

Optional Essay

If you feel there are circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware, please explain them in an optional essay (such as unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance).

  • Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area of the application.
  • The Optional Essay is intended to provide the Admissions Committee with insight into your circumstances only.
  • Limit your response to one page.

14.Yale SOM

2016-2017 Yale SOM Essay Topic

Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words maximum)

In his blog post announcing the topic, DelMonico commented that the Yale MBA adcom developed this “seemingly simple and straightforward question” essay prompt in collaboration with a professor of organizational behavior at SOM.

DelMonico shared some additional news items in his post. He let applicants know that Yale SOM’s sliding admissions fee scale will remain in place for the coming year.

   15.  UCLA

2016-2017 UCLA Anderson Essay Topic

First-Time Applicants (Required Essay):

We believe that the best results are achieved when you share success, think fearlessly and drive change. With this in mind, what are your goals at UCLA Anderson and in your short-term and long-term career? (750 words maximum)

Optional Essay:
The following essay is optional. No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit an optional essay. Please note that we only accept written essays.

Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum)

Re-Applicant Essay:
Reapplicants who applied for the class entering in 2015 or 2016 are required to complete the following essay:

Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words maximum)



16.Cornell /Johnson

Essay 1
At Cornell, we value students who create impact. Please indicate the opportunities for impact that you have identified through engagement with our community and describe how these interactions have influenced your decision to apply to Johnson.  Please limit your response to 500 words or fewer.

Table of Contents Essay
You are the author of your Life Story. Please create the Table of Contents for the book in the space provided or upload it as an attachment. We value creativity and authenticity and encourage you to approach this essay with your unique style. Alternative submission formats may include a slide presentation, links to pre-existing media (personal website, digital portfolio, YouTube etc.), as well as visually enhanced written submissions.
Maximum file size is 5 MB. If you choose to submit a written Table of Contents, please limit your submission to 500 words or fewer. lease limit multimedia submissions to under 5 minutes.

Optional Essay
Complete this essay if you would like to add additional details regarding your candidacy. For instance, if you believe one or more aspects of your application (e.g., undergraduate record or test scores) do not accurately reflect your potential for success at Johnson.
If you are reapplying for admission, please use this essay to indicate how you have strengthened your application since the last time you applied. 
Please limit your response to 500 words or fewer.

17.UT Austin / McCombs
Essay 1: The University of Texas at Austin values unique perspectives and cultivates a collaborative environment of distinct individual contributions. It is the first day of orientation. You are meeting your study group, comprised of five of your classmates from various backgrounds. Please introduce yourself to your new team, highlighting what drives you in your personal and professional life.
Select only one communication method that you would like to use for your response.
Write an essay (250 words)
Share a video introduction (one minute)

Essay 2: Based on your post-MBA goals and what drives you in your personal and professional life, why is the Texas MBA the ideal program for you and how do you plan to engage in our community? (500 words)

Optional Essay: Please provide any additional information you believe is important and/or address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the Admissions Committee in considering your application (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, or extenuating personal circumstances). (250 words)

18.UNC Kenan-Flagler
Essay 1:
Please describe your short and long term goals post-MBA. Explain how yourprofessional experience has shaped these goals, why this career option appealsto you, and how you arrived at the decision that now is the time and the MBA isthe appropriate degree. (500 words maximum)

Essay 2
(Optional): What personal qualities or life experiences distinguish youfrom other applicants? How do these qualities or experiences equip you tocontribute to UNC Kenan-Flagler? (300 words maximum)

Essay 3
(Optional):If your standardized test scores are low, or if you have nothad coursework in core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics,financial accounting), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum.(300 wordsmaximum)

Essay 4 (Optional): Is there any other information you would like to share that isnot presented elsewhere in the application?(300 words maximum)

19.Washington  University in St .Louis /Olin

20. CMU Tepper

2016-2017 CMU Tepper MBA Essay Topic
Required Essay
Imagine that you meet up with a member of the admission committee at an airport while on a layover. You have an opportunity to make a memorable impression. Use this essay to introduce yourself. Include any information that you believe is important for the committee member to know about you both professionally and personally. (Maximum 300-350 words, 12-point font, double-spaced)
Optional Essay
Use this essay to convey important information that you may not have been otherwise able to convey. This may include unexplained resume gaps, context for recommender selection, etc.
If you are a re-applicant, explain how your candidacy has strengthened since your last application.


21. Emory University (Goizueta)

Essay 1: Define your short-term post-MBA career goals. How are your professional strengths, past experience and personal attributes aligned with these goals? (300 word limit)

Essay 2: The business school is named for Roberto C. Goizueta, former Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, who led the organization for 16 years, extending its global reach, quadrupling consumption, building brand responsibility, and creating unprecedented shareholder wealth. Mr. Goizueta’s core values guide us in educating Principled Leaders for Global Enterprise. Provide an example of your leadership – professional or personal – and explain what you learned about yourself through the experience. (300 word limit)

Essay 3: Complete one of the following statements. (250 word limit)

I am passionate about…
The best piece of advice I’ve received is…
The best day of my life was…
A personal goal I want to accomplish is…

Essay 4: Share with the committee and your future classmates a fun or noteworthy fact about you. (25 word limit)

Optional Essay: If you have additional information or feel there are extenuating circumstances which you would like to share with the MBA Admissions Committee (i.e. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance issues or areas of weakness in application). (250 words)

Reapplicant Essay 1: What is your short-term career goal and why is an MBA from Goizueta an important next step toward that goal? (200 word limit)

Reapplicant Essay 2: If your initial career plans are not realized, what else are you considering? (200 word limit)

Reapplicant Essay 3: Explain how you have improved your candidacy for Goizueta Business School’s MBA Program since your last application. (250 word limit)

22.Indiana University / Kelley

1. Please discuss your immediate post-MBA professional goals. How will your professional experience, when combined with a Kelley MBA degree, allow you to achieve these goals? Should the short-term goals you have identified not materialize, what alternate career paths might you consider? (500 words)

2. Please respond to one of the following short essay prompts. (300 words)

a. My greatest memory is…
      b. I’m most afraid of…
      c. My greatest challenge has been…
      d. I’m most proud of…

3. Please share with the admissions committee an interesting or surprising fact about you. (25 words)

Optional Essay:

Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you shouldn’t feel obligated to answer this question. (300 words)





25.Notre Dame /Mendoza


25.USC  Marshall

Essay #1 (Required) - What is your specific, immediate short-term career goal upon completion of your MBA? Please include an intended position, function, and industry in your response. (word limit: 100)

Essay #2 (Required) – At Marshall, we take pride in the fact that our students work collaboratively, both inside and outside the classroom, to create a culture, a community, and an environment that truly defines what we call the Trojan Family. Please describe the contributions you expect to make to your classmates during your time at USC. How will they benefit from your presence in the program? (word limit: 500)

Essay #3 (Optional) – Please provide any additional information that will enhance our understanding of your candidacy for the program. (word limit: 250)


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