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总结机警 12.12-12.16

[em27] keep calm and be patient pls ^^ [em27] 1), 一球往下落,碰球往两边落的概率各为1/2, 问该球落到BC间的概率。(3/8) O ▼ O O O O O O O 0 O O O O A B C D E old JJ : 1/2+1/4 2), 某车行卖车,车门有A.B两种选择,车窗有C,D两种选择,卖价有E,F两种选择。但只有当车门为A时才能有卖价的选择。问该车行的车共有几种选择。关键是读题,黑压压一大片,外加一堆车的术语,明摆着欺负我们大多中国人没车。靠! An:2*2+2=6 3), 扔硬币,正反1/2,问连续3次同面的概率。 An:1/8 4), 数字记不清了,43个瓶子,其中26个放苹果,10个放葡萄,7个放桔子,问第一个方苹果,第二个放桔子的概率。 A vending machine with certain number of apple jucie, another number of grape juice, and another number of damned juice. What is the probablity of getting a damned juice, follwoed by apple jucie? 记住方法:26/43 * 7/42, 数字不重要。 5 .k is a 2-digit positive integer, the value of k is 6 times of the unit digit, what is the value of k? (1).the ten digit is 4 less than unit digit. (2).the sum of the two digits is a two-digit interger. ans:d 6) 5 pairs of shoes, each pair in different color.select 2 from the 10 shoes without replacement, what's the possibility of selecting the same color shoes. (at least three times mentioned from JJ !) An:1/9 7) a group of children, each has either 3 pens and 1pencils or 1 pen and 2 pencils. the arithmetic mean of pencils per child is 1.6, what's the arithmetic mean of pens. ans:1.8 8. X~2/根号x>1? 1.x>-1 2.X<1 An:E 9.(DS)甲乙到达同一目的地的所用时间之差。A:都跑了100miles;B:甲的速度比乙快5miles每小时; An:E 10.y=x~2+5x-3, y=10. x~2+5x+1=? An:14 11. S 買1000 pounds 東東,cost 0.15 per pound, 運費 0.002 per pound per mile, 運了500miles, 用 2 per pound 的價錢 sale half, 剩下的用 1 per pound的價錢賣完,問profit? An:350 12. DS: 有一线平行于X=Y, 不在II象限,有一点A(r,o), 一点B(s,t), 且rst相乘不等于零,问三角形OAB面积? 1) r=3 2) t=-6 An:C 13. 88 defective products were divided equally among a certain number of technicians. The number of left over defective products is equal to 2 less than the number of technicians. Then the the following cannot be the number of technicians. -------------------------------------------- whatever , the An is excluded from the factors of 90(88+2) 14. During a 640 mile trip, half were travelled on highway, the other half on city streets. What is the average speed for the entire trip? a. Speed is given for the first half b. Speed ? was aslo given for the other half An:C 15. A regular hexagon, with equal sides and internal angles, was divided into equal triangles by 3 lines opposite corners. Area of each triangle was given ( may be 6) . Find length of each side? --------------------------------------- if 6 then 根号下8根号3 16. Signals (on a ship?) were tranmitted by arranging 3 varying colored flags vertically. What is the number of signal possible from 4 different colored flags An:24 .......P(4,3) 17 . On XY plane. If a line goes through Point A (A,5), Is the slope of the line <0? a. Line goes through (0, -2) b. Line goes through (5, A) An: E 18. F(x)=kx^2+mx-1, f(-7)=3, ask f(7)=? My answer is -5 19. x<=y<=z, the average of x,y,z is 10, and z-x=3, 问下面哪些数有可能是它们的中数? I. 9 II. 10 III. 11 我的答案是只有I 正确 -------------------------------------------- Y.T:I. 9 and III. 11 x+y+z=30 ,z-x=3=>y+2z=33 20.有一个立方体, 长宽高分别是L, W, H. H是L的两倍, W是L的一半. 立方体的表面积是25,200, 求L的长度. ---------------------------------------------- An:60 21. 2^N被3除余1, N是非负整数. 问下面哪一个必然正确. I. N是大于0的整数; II. 3^N=(-3)^N III 根好2^N为整数 我的答案是II和III 22. 10个小孩跑步, 共跑400米. 所花的时间以秒计分别为 70 75 80 85 90 105 105 130 130 130. 标准差为22.4. 问How many children are more than one 方差below the average? 答案有一个, 两个, 三个, 四个 和五个. 我选了两个, 不知是否理解有错误. 所以把问题的原句写出来供参考. ---------------------------------------------- agree Ave is about 100 ,one sigma below the average is about 78 23. 还有一道很老很老的机经. 共和党和民主党人数的比例原来为3/5, 后来又有一次登记, 共和党增加了600人, 民主党增加了500人, 两者的比例变为4/5, 问登记后, 民主党人数比共和党人数多多少? 我的答案是300 ------------------------------------ Y.T. 400 24, 三个等园 彼此相彻.由园心 连结等  等边 三角形,tell you the area of shawdow surrends by the three circularse.solove the R; ans : 8 ------------------------------- mentioned in old JJ 25, 求元环的 area,ans: pai*S(S-r*S)>---E! 1. 有16个球,4个红,3个蓝,其他是绿,如果连续从中拿两个出来,而且不放回去,问两次拿的球中一个红一个蓝的概率. 我选4/16*3/15=1/20 ------------------------------------- Y.T. 1/10 (4/16*3/15)2=1/10 first 一个红 second 一个蓝 or first一个红 second 一个蓝 26. XY平面,两条线OR,SR在第一象线里,OR的斜率是1/2, SR的斜率是2/3, S为(5,0), 问R的坐标 ---------------------------------------------- Y.T. (20,10) 27.20立方厘米的显影剤到在1平方米的平面上,厚度是多少. 我选的是: 20/100=1/5 ---------------------- Y.T. 20/10000=1/500 28. ds 房租,第一个人交120,以后每个人交x,求x -ans:d a 4个人合计交了180 b 两个人的平均成本比四个人的多25 29. 0.00625是在1/10^(n-1) and 1/10^n 之间,问n值-my last question ---------------------------- Y.T. n=4 30. 有card共36张分4组,每组9张,每张用数字1-9来表达。抽出一张,问抽出的几 a抽出一张后,35张的合的unit digit是6 b 抽出一张后,35张牌的合是174 ------------------------------------------- An: D 31. 40件jackets,一半卖80元,另一半打6折,只卖了这其中的一半,最后的再5折,问共卖了多少钱。 An: 2320 32. 一个人用其收入的1/2买a,1/3,买b,1/10买c,用剩下的6元买d,问共多少 ------------------------------- An: 90 33. 一商店卖a,b,c三种货共100个,其中顾客买了a50个,b40个,ab都买的20,问买非a非b的有多少――30 34. (x/6-9)^2-(x/6+9)^2=? X^2/18+18 -------------------------------------- Y.T. x/3-18 35. m 是75,98,140 的公倍数,问那个正确 a, 忘了,但不对 b m为49的倍数 c m大于14000 ---------------------------- An: c 36.R,t是整数,问t值 a t^r-1=0 b t not=1 --------------------------------- An: E 37 r*=1-1/r when r>1,ask whenr>2, r*-(r*-1)=? 这是我遇到的机经题 ----------------------- probably mistake , asking r*-(r-1)*=-1/r+1/(r-1) 38. 红花紫花的题,A和B两个篮子各有红花和紫花20,35;15,30。求从任意一个蓝子里抽出的花是红的概率 ans:9/20 ------------------------------------- Attention , old JJ '20,35;25,30' 39. 直线SO的斜率是1/2,直线SA 的斜率是3/2,A的坐标为(5,0),求S的坐标? 【讨论】(15/2,15/4) 其中o为原点-正确 -------------------------------------------- other version: XY平面,两条线OR,SR在第一象线里,OR的斜率是1/2, SR的斜率是2/3, S为(5,0), 问R的坐标 ---------------------------------------------- Attention: 2/3 or 3/2 , not difficult to deal with anyway Y.T. (20,10) 40.16.美国一个州规定,某保险的某几个险种的赔偿是与该州规定的某一最低值成正比,现在有三种险种,分别为A、B、C,现有一人,对A、B、C三个险种一起索赔7500大元,然后告诉这三个险种的规定最低值分别为25000,50000,300000,问B 险种被索赔了多少大元?(2) 【讨论】 因为25000:50000:3000000=1:2:12,所以B=7500*(2/15)=1000 \\\|/// > >   \\ - - // > >   ( @ @ ) > > ━oOOo-(_)-oOOo━━━━━━━━ so tired..so much JJ 41. 6 个students, 分成3 对. 每对assign english or chemistry or math,问能有几个分配法? --------------------------------- An: C2,6*3+C2,4*2 =57 42.9个数0,1,1,4,5,6(这3个数记不太清了)8,8,9组成3个3位数,问最大的和是多少? 答案:要最大,百位肯定是8,8,9,十位肯定是4,5,6,故答案为2652(方案是这样,具体数字不能100%确定)。 43.周六出发,每天下雨的概率为0.2,下雨即回,问周一回来的概率(可见前人JJ)0.8*0.8*0.2 44。小明放书,10本一格,刚好放下,又多了10本,也刚好放下,问之前有多少本?A (1)之前《=96 (2)之前〉=24 45。问Z是否等于能被2除余1(多恶心,他只要说是否奇数就得了嘛)?D (I)(1+Z)/2是一个奇数 (II)(-1)^(z+2)=-1 46.XY=35? E (I)X=7(等同式,具体记不清了) (II)(X-7)(Y-5)=0 47。6个相同的园围成一个圈(这6个园相邻的相切),中间还有一个园(直径和前面相同)和他们各自相切,这6个园的圆心同时是一个正6边形的顶点(周长为36),问阴影部分面积(? 答案:54*2^3-27pai ------------------------------------------- Y.T. 54*根号3-27pai 48。问a+b可由下式得出:B (I)2^a*8^b=256 (II)3^(2a)*9^b=反正就是一个数 49.还有一题,具恶心!说他恶心是因为题目具简单,但说法很绕,明摆着 欺负我阅读不行嘛!(好在我的阅读水准看数学题还没问题)说的是有一个球,又有一个立方体和它内切,问立方体上两点之间最大的距离是 答案:2R. another version 8。球,内切于正方体,已知直径R,问正方体最远的两点? R*根号3 -------------------------------------------------------- agree 2R 50. Which is/are terminated decimal : a.1/(2的3次方*5的4次方) b. 1/(3的2次方*5) c 3的二次方/( 2的2次方*5的4次方) --------------------------------------- An: A 51. JUNE 1999,M场的X销售员和Y销售员的业绩的比是多少 a. X销售员比Y在前一个月多了百分之五十。 b. Y比自己前一个月多了百分之二十五 -------------------------------------------------- An: E old JJ 52. a worker interview 4 out of 9 residents, how many combinations -------------------------------- if one by one , C4,9=126 53. 一车共行了274公里,问total cost a 平均 cc(确定值)公里用一升油 b 每升油1.25元 ----------------------------------- An:C 54. sb use 24 pounds of a and 25 pounds of b to make x and y, x contains a:b=4:1, y contains a:b=1:5 , x is how many pounds? --------------------------------------- An: 25 55. if x>o and x^2-3x-10=0, which must be right? a. x^2-6x+9=0, b. 记不清了,正确,c. x^2-10x+25=0 56. sb put some money in a account for three months. ***interest rate(已知) compound annually。 Ask the total interest earned. a. the interest earned for the last two months is ***(number)more than the first month b. the interest earned in the third months is ***(number) ------------------------------------- An: B 57. 什么东东分给3人,若分给四人就每人少5个,有多少个东东 --------------------------------- If have choices available , easy to pick it up ...... 58,共小于50个球,7个归类,剩1个,问几个? A)按9个归类,剩7 B)按4个归类,剩3 答案:A , B陷阱15,43 59。right 三角形, 顶点在Y轴,(0.3),和X一个交点是(4,0),问另一个。 答案:3:4=B:3 b=9/4 60.一周的储蓄,初始A元,第一次存50 第二次取20 第三次取70 第四次存80 用X表示某个时点的状态,那么X满足: X>=A-40 61。8个字母,分配3个字母的组合给N多人,不给一个人2个组,不重复,结果剩36组没有分掉,问N多少人参加分配? 答案:P(3,8)-36 62。(a+b)(a-b)=a^2+b^2 分母有理化的题目 63。求标准偏差:他给出了公式 [em10][em10][em12][em13][em22][em05][em02][em04][em28][em23]

[此贴子已经被lisaislisa于2002-12-18 13:09:28编辑过]

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Concentrated and Diligent

thx for your advice , I've made some adjustment
but can't agree with you on NO.8 and No. 19
8. how come 方程Y=X^3/2 ?
X~2/根号x>1 =>x^4>1 isn't it ??

Concentrated and Diligent


16. 12.C(4.3)*P(3.3)=24







8.B 方程Y=X^3/2,画图就知道当X<1,0





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