拿到UNC admission offer.
UNC是个好学校,学校风景优美不说,学生也都很Nice,课程也实在,我很喜欢UNC关于leadership的Coaching。今年UNC的Entrepreneurship在美国排第四,期待后话中…… 我的背景和工作经验: hehe, currently I am working as department manager in a multinational retailing company. Prior to it, I worked as sales manager in a state-owned financial company. Part-time in NPO and family business. GMAT720, TOEFL~620.
面试情况: 给我做面试的那个校友是个非常nice的 independent thinker,所以,面试主要根据我的简历和经历问follow up question。当然也包含常见的why now, why UNC, career goal, leadership stories。 面试时,自然,真诚,互动,回答问题简洁但切中要害。面试前还是要好好准备那些常规问题的,可以做一些MOCK。 祝好运! |