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求教GWD2 23 帮忙啊~


Which of the following best describes the function of the first sentence (lines 17-24) of the second paragraph of the passage?
A.    To answer a question posed in the first sentence of the passage about why firms adopt particular strategic missions
B.    To refute an argument made in the first paragraph about how top management decision-making affects whether firms will adhere to their strategic plans
C.    To provide evidence supporting a theory introduced in the first paragraph about what makes firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plants
D.    To qualify an assertion made in the preceding sentence (lines 6-16) about how top management decision-making affects the likelihood that firms will adhere to their strategic plans
E.    To explain a distinction relied on in the second paragraph (lines 17-68) regarding two different kinds of strategic missions

Why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans is poorly understood.  However, theory and limited research suggest that the process through which such plans emerge may play a part.  In particular, top management decision-sharing—consensus-oriented, team-based decision-making—may increase the (10) likelihood that firms will adhere to their plans, because those involved in the decision-making may be more committed to the chosen course of action, thereby increasing the likelihood that (15) organizations will subsequently adhere to their plans.  
However, the relationship between top management decision-sharing and adherence to plans may be affected (20) by a firm’s strategic mission (its fundamental approach to increasing sales revenue and market share, and generating cash flow and short-term profits).
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首先,此题算争议题。d or e?





哇,谢谢哈! 我就是想问那个qualify什么意思呢...听你这么说就觉得讲得通了!


If you qualify a statement, you make it less strong or less general by adding a detail or explanation to it.



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