M50,V35 710, 不是什么牛分,但是够用了
“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
To preserve national securities, government should be authorized keep secrete any information they wish.
1、 一个人存钱,貌似是存了100.利息。按半年复利计算。问一年后可以有多少利息?
歌霏:因为是复利,设半年的interest是x%,那么一年的就是 100*(1+x%)^2。考试的时候看题目提供的半年compound interest是多少就好了。
Sivyer : 100*(半年复利)^2-100
有一道SC, 逻辑意思大概是说环境学家都关注保护区,保护区以外的xx of xx 都转换成农场什么的了。
......., 一个复数名词 of xxx was transformed into .....
a. 忘记了,反正是复数,排除
b landscape of 逻辑意思不对,排除
c region of 选了这个 虽然很别扭,但就这个还对的上
d areas other than 复数,排除
...... BY DOING OR DOING, OR BY NOT DOING...... ( 我选了这个)
..... by doing, by doing... or by doing... (迷惑选项,逻辑意思不对的。)
GWD-8-Q31: GWD-2-12’
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____.
A. Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages
B. the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does
C. the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech
D. overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech
E. the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech
参考答案 : D
第一篇很短,ENTERPRISE PIONEER,跟JJ说的一样,3题,这篇很简单,结构清晰,容易定位
第二篇是讲银行贷款的,好像4段还是5段,反正很长,LOW RISK, HIGH RISK那个,JJ很全了,这题好像是5题还是6题,忘了,我是之前读过某位同学搜出来的原文,很长那个有11好象,考的内容是那篇东西里倒数第二页。由于看过原文,做这个非常简单。
最后篇怒长,不是JJ的,4段,第35题的时候出的,本人那时候非常肚子饿, 和以前那种做到昏的感觉不同,头脑还是清醒的,就是肚子一直在叫,实在做不进去了,就直接乱点过去了,那时显示还有19分钟。。。乱选完3道后(一共3题),电脑卡了一会。。。估计连错3题吧。。。可能这就是我V那么低的缘故吧
大家考V前一定要吃东西垫垫肚子。。。我是5点开始考一直考到8点 |