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关于og13 15题解释的疑惑

Many experts regarded the increase in credit card borrowing in March not as a sign that households were pressed for cash and forced to borrow, rather a sign of confidence by households that they could safely handle new debt.

A rather a sign of confidence by households that they could safely
B yet as a sign of households' confidence that it was safe for them to
C but a sign of confidence by households that they could safely
D but as a sign that households were confident they could safely
E but also as a sign that households were confident in their ability safely to

对于B选项,OG的解释是it was safe for them[households] to handle new debt changes the intended meaning, making the households less clearly an agent in the handling 不懂这句的意思 求大牛解释
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B选项,错误在于them指代不清,使得handle new debt 的主语不明确。


关键是不能理解og讲解中agent那句话的概念 感觉很绕


Many experts regarded the increase in credit card borrowing in March not as a sign that households were pressed for cash and
forced to borrow, rather a sign of confidence by households that they could safely handle new debt.
B yet as a sign of households' confidence that it was safe for them to
D but as a sign that households were confident they could safelyB中的意思是:作为一个持卡者信心的标志。(信心是标志)
D中的意思是:作为一个持卡者对自己能够安全地掌控new debt的标志(控卡能力是标志)


唔 能理解了呢 感谢



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