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UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions 2013-2014年汇总

1.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Feb 18, 2014
My interview went very well. It flowed much more like a casual conversation than a structured interview. My interviewer started by telling me about himself and the admissions process, then asked me the following questions/prompts (while taking notes directly on the resume that I handed him):
1. Walk me through your resume.
2. Tell me about your hometown / did you attend a public or private high school?
3. Do you feel as though your GMAT verbal and quant scores (which he said he had not yet seen), are a good indicator of your academic ability? Why or why not?
4. Why Kenan-Flagler and why business school in general?
5. What are your short and long term goals?
6. If I were to call your current direct supervisor at work (which he said he would not do without asking for my permission), in one or two words how would he/she describe your greatest strength? Where would he/she is the your greatest room for improvement?

2.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
Feb 13, 2014
My interview went really well.   Here are the interview questions:
1) My interviewer’s opening question was why an MBA? Why now?
2) What was I most proud of?
3) If I had any regrets or had I made any decisions I wish I could take back.
4) Tell her about a time when I exhibited teamwork.
5) What risks do you see in taking 22 months off from your career to attend a full time MBA program?

3.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
Feb 13, 2014
I was interviewed by a member of the Adcom. It was a blind interview.
My interviewer was very friendly and amicable. I expected a very conversational style with follow-up questions from my prompts, but the interview was mostly Q/A type. Meaning, she asked me a question and I replied. My response did leave room for follow-up questions, but that was not the case. She asked me a bunch of questions, and the interview concluded with when I should be getting a response.
Questions asked-:
1) Resume walkthrough.
2) Career goals
3) Why MBA
5) What are the three most important characteristic of a good team.
6) Experience of working in a team.
7) General work ethic.
8) Have you read any business books lately?
9) What do you do outside work? Extra-curricular.
10) Any questions for us?
Overall,  Clear Admit did a phenomenal job at preparing me for this interview and that is why I am also contributing!
Before the interview, I provided 2 disclaimers. 1) I was down with the flu. 2) My neighbors decided on blasting their music system. My interviewer was amused, but appreciated the fact that I mentioned the issues. I was able to throw in some UNC specific jokes. Overall a very comfortable setting. No need to get nervous. It was cordial but professional. A lot of note taking. Lasted exactly 30 mins.

4.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
Jan 21, 2014
My Kenan-Flagler interview questions were as follows:
1. Tell us about all your professional experience post college.
2. Career goals.
3. Why MBA?
4. Why Kenan-Flagler?
5. One of your weakness, and how have you worked on that?
6. Three strengths.
7. Have you read any Business books lately?
8. Leadership experience
9. Teamwork experience
10. Asked about my volunteer activity
11. At  Kenan-Flagler, there are a lot of extracurricular activities and rigorous academics – how would you manage?
12. Questions for them.

5.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
Dec 23, 2013
Very nice talk. Here are the questions:
1/ Walk me through your resume
2/ Why MBA
3/ Why Kenan-Flagler
4/ Your team work experience
5/ One weakness that you want to address during bschool
6/ Looking back on your work experience, anything you wish you could have done better
7/ Your most proud achievement
8/ What do you do for fun

6.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / AdCom / Phone
Mar 14, 2013
My interview was with AdCom member John Hughes. He was very relaxing and has a great interview style where it feels much more like a relaxing conversation than an interview. I am usually very nervous in interview situations but he really put me at ease. In so many words he asked me the following questions….
Where did you grow up?
Walk me through your resume.
What was your biggest work accomplishment?
What are your short term and long term goals?
Why Kenan Flagler?
Do you feel your GMAT score/GPA are a true representation of your ability?
John and I had similar backgrounds and my career aspirations are similar to what he’s done with his life so we really just had a great conversation about his experiences and how he felt Kenan Flagler would be a great fit for me.

7.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus
Mar 5, 2013
A summary of questions asked:
Top 3 accomplishments
Walk me through your resume
Community involvement and extra curriculars
A lot of grilling on why MBA, why UNC and short term and long term goals
Plan B if the school rejects you
Small town/ big city orientation
International exposure
A lot of personal questions regarding family.
Which other schools have you applied to and why?
He also gave me inputs about his stay at UNC and what were the key takeaways for him…
Tt was fairly conversational and he put me at ease.
All in all, a very good interview. He was a thorough gentleman.

8.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
Mar 1, 2013
The interview lasted approximately 45 minutes and it started with the AdCom saying that she had my resume and that she hadn’t reviewed my application but she had notes from others who did review it. The questions she asked me were:
“Walk me through your resume”
“Your GPA seems low. Are there any extenuating circumstances or explanations for that?”
“Why are you interested in getting your MBA?”
“Why now?”
“What are your goals?
“Tell me a couple of adjectives to describe yourself.”
The AdCom was very professional but still pleasant. The interview was very formal and she did take notes all throughout the interview.

9.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Admissions Officer / Off-campus
Mar 1, 2013
When I arrived I was asked to submit my resume and told that my interviewer would go through my resume mins before the start of the interview. The interview was blind. The only information my interviewer had was my resume.
The interview started and they asked me to walk them through my resume, because they told me there were bits that needed clarification. Then they asked,
“Why do you want to get an MBA?”
“Why an MBA from Kenan Flagler?”
“What qualities do you hope to develop during your MBA?”
“What do you plan to do after your MBA?”
As my answers were quite long, the time was almost up when they told me to ask them any questions if I had any. I asked one final question and it was over.

10.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Alumnus/On-campus
Feb 28, 2013
There were no questions on Why MBA, Why Now or What have I done to date at my work place. The questions were on my achievements outside of my work area, my other extracurricular activities, my interests, my personal background and other similar stuff. He also asked me about other schools in my list and we also talked about the current economic scenario.
We talked about some of his experiences at the school and while finding jobs and internships.
Finally, it came to questions from my side. I asked him 2 questions and got the answers.

11.UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
Feb 27, 2013
I visited Kenan-Flagler during my visit I interviewed on campus with one of the Associate Admissions Directors. After arriving and settling into the interview with pleasantries and introductions, my interviewer pulled up a copy of my resume and then asked me to walk them through my resume. Afterwards, they moved onto some other questions ranging from
- Why an MBA?
- Why Now?
- What about KF appeals to you?
- What is the hardest lesson you have learned?
- What specifically have you learned in these leadership positions?
- Specific question about my undergraduate leadership experiences
- What I knew about the Research Triangle technology and innovation scene (I work in tech)
They left sometime for me to ask some questions and then closed with the timeline/process. Overall, the interview felt very conversational. While I felt the interviewer was hard to read they were also very at ease and very relaxed which made me feel the same.
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