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1.2.        Analysis & Research
1.2.1.        农作物发明vaccine*
BY Dechu  讲为农作物发明vaccine,就好像人类的vaccine一样,能提高农作物的immunity。有4段,结构还算清楚,第一段是提出为什么要研究这个 问题,第二三段举例说科学家怎样研究,其间提到研究“植物遇到病毒时,本身是怎样产生抗体的”(有题,问according to the passage,科学家将采用怎样的办法来制造vaccine(大意如此))第四段开始是一个Unfortunately,大意是这种vaccine有缺点。不是很清楚,鉴于我V的分数,请选择性忽略我的回忆。。。


【考古】 未确认


【考古】 未确认


1.3.        Human (Woman) Revolution & Historical stuff   
1.3.1.        美国女人地位
V1【by fly12404】
V2 【by peggyye】
法律对女人地位的作用 大半瓶还是一瓶半?忘了
有 传统的观念觉得法律对女人有作用 没错 但是在美国civillaw和commonlaw影响是不同的 很多人以为英美法会主张人权 会对女人比较好 其实不是 作者觉得大陆法会比较好 说明了一下 然后取了个例子 说以前美国以前由荷兰占有的时候 就用大陆法 然后对女人超级好 比如说 遗产分配啦 很详细说 一个死了之后 配偶获得的福利会比较好
第二段说18世界中后 因为英国来了 英美法把大陆法赶走了之后 妇女的地位没那么好了 没详细讲 要自己判断(有个考题 说英美法之后会怎么样 所有选项都出现过在第一段 只有一个对妇女不好 很明显)


1.3.        Human (Woman) Revolution & Historical stuff   
1.3.1.        美国女人地位
V1【by fly12404】
V2 【by peggyye】
法律对女人地位的作用 大半瓶还是一瓶半?忘了
有 传统的观念觉得法律对女人有作用 没错 但是在美国civillaw和commonlaw影响是不同的 很多人以为英美法会主张人权 会对女人比较好 其实不是 作者觉得大陆法会比较好 说明了一下 然后取了个例子 说以前美国以前由荷兰占有的时候 就用大陆法 然后对女人超级好 比如说 遗产分配啦 很详细说 一个死了之后 配偶获得的福利会比较好
第二段说18世界中后 因为英国来了 英美法把大陆法赶走了之后 妇女的地位没那么好了 没详细讲 要自己判断(有个考题 说英美法之后会怎么样 所有选项都出现过在第一段 只有一个对妇女不好 很明显)


1.3.3.        美国非洲裔工人*
【by qizuko  650】
美国非洲裔工人相关的。这是我最后一篇,一大段多半屏。大意是说那个时候的美国应该是有法案还是什么一个AFL规定说人人平等, 但是现实中很多白人还是会有歧视和欺压。这个时候有个黑人组织的工会就出来帮大家争取权益,主要是想办法让黑人融入白人的工作群体什么的。最后成功了,这 个union的工作有积极的效果。好像有3道题,问了一个主题,还问了一个细节(白人有种族歧视的什么的),还有一个是评价应该

In the 1930’s and 1940’s, African American industrialworkers in the southern United  States, who constituted 80 percent of theunskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. While theAmerican Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americans ormaintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations(CIO) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy ofequal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’sbackbone. Yet it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforcedby White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumentalin maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racialdiscrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressedduring this period. However, recognizing employers’ power over workers as acentral factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization, AfricanAmerican workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking changedespite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination.The persistent efforts of African American unionists eventually paid off: manybecame highly effective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist Whiteunionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers.African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions whileusing them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.

The passage is primarily concerned with
A.   demonstrating that unions failed to addressthe concerns of African American workers during a particular period
B.   arguing that African Americanworkers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimatelybeneficial to them
C.   contrasting the treatment of AfricanAmerican workers by two different labor organizations during a particularperiod
D.   giving reasons for the success of AfricanAmerican unionists in winning victories for both African American and Whiteworkers during a particular period
E.    questioning one explanation for theattitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particularperiod

According to the passage, which of the following wastrue of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?
A.   Their attitudes toward AfricanAmerican union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities ofthese organizers were serving workers’ interests.
B.   They were a powerful element in the southernlabor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factorylabor force in the southern United  States.
C.   They persisted in opposing the CIO’sadoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.
D.   Their primary goal was to strengthen thenegotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership.
E.    Their advocacy of racial discriminationhampered unions in their efforts to gain more power for workers.

The author of the passage suggests which of thefollowing about African American workers who participated in union activitiesin the 1930’s and 1940’s?
A.   They believed that the elimination ofdiscrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievementof economic advancement for African Americans.
B.   They belonged exclusively to CIO unionsbecause they were excluded from AFL unions.
C.   They believed that the economicadvancement of African American workers depended on organized efforts toempower all workers.
D.   Some of them advocated the organization ofseparate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFLand the CIO.
E.    Many of them did not believe that Whiteunionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination againstAfrican American workers.


1.3.4.        美国墨西哥裔
【by qizuko  650】
跟美国的墨西哥裔有关的。三段好像。应该是一个历史学家还是学者,提出了一些和一般的历史学家不一样的角度去研究这个问题。首先说了一般历史学家都怎么看那段历史,有 细节题,定位即可(主要关注压迫,种族歧视啥的)。然后说这个学者的研究主要有两个points,第二和第三段就分别讲了这两个point。第三段整段 highlight,问作用来着。第三段说他的第二个重点也是和融入相关的。说墨西哥族裔在美国生活过程中有努力的融入社会啥的,但是这不代表他们原本的 文化和ethic就消失了,相反,这两者很好的结合了(有题)。第二段忘了|||


1.4.        Art & Culture
1.4.1.        博物馆保存画的温度和湿度控制
V1【by loverwy】
P2:一般需要特殊HVC技术控制湿度和温度的都是一些敏感的画(wood paint)。但是有很多画,其实对温度/湿度并不是太敏感,所以可以考虑不使用HVC技术。
P3:作者反驳--- 很多画其实是多种颜料的混合,包括WOOD PAINT还有其他一些颜料,所以很难决然地把敏感地画和不敏感地画分开。此外,21度对于参观者来说也是最适宜地温度。
(1)有道主旨题?我选的是propose a solution to a main problem.....
(3)关于HVC说法哪个是正确地?我选的是:它的operations cost上升了。
V2  【by loveumyangel】
有一题:cradling的导致了什么。我选了那个导致了wood paint后来的问题。这个答案我觉得应该是确定的。因为文中有很明确的说wood panel很容易被折断,这是因为什么cradling。。。真的对不起,具体的记不得了。


1.4.2.        ❤流派诗人
【by yaoyao880529】
(看到心好凉,完全没时间。。)说一个作家写一个什么东西,里面超级多人名。说了这个人这个文章怎么着的,好像还有一批人一起是objevtism,支持 这个objective的什么东西的,然后又讲到另一批romantic poem的,里面有个人叫M(有题,问这个人和那个作家的关系就像是以下哪种?)我选了program 里的一个人反对另一个和他们观点相反的团队,(没时间了没仔细看),然后后一段说这个人花了好长时间,最后一段没看。 有题问他的文章可以infer出什么,我选了时间很长。还有说主题,不记得选项了。
The first installment of Testimony was published in 1934 by the Objectivist Press, which had been started several years earlier to promote the views of poets including William Carlos Williams, Louis Zukofsky, George Oppen, and Reznikoff himself. They were believers in Objectivism, a short-lived but still influential offshoot of poetic Modernism, the early 20th-century assault by T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and others on the Enlightenment-influenced poetics of their predecessors. For the Objectivists, the poem was an object, not a report by the poet of what he or she thought or felt. They rejected the emphasis by 19th-century Romantic poets like Wordsworth and Shelley on the poet's subjective experience of transcendent meaning as depicted through metaphor and symbol. (The title and opening line of Wordsworth's well-known poem about daffodils, "I wandered lonely as a cloud," is a good example of the tendencies that the Objectivists judged artificial and misleading.) The Objectivists believed that feeling and emotion should come through the choice of details and the sound and appearance of words on the page.
Reznikoff continued to work on Testimony throughout his life. In the 1960s, he published two new volumes (the first drawn from judicial opinions of 1885-1890, the second from opinions of 1891-1900); two additional volumes (1901-1910 and 1911-1915) were published after his death. In each of the later volumes, Reznikoff revised his art, reshaping the documentary material into syncopated lines of poetry.
The Negro was dead/when the doctors examined him," a characteristic poem begins:
They found upon his belly bruises:
he died, the doctors said, of peritonitis.
While the shift in form draws even more attention to the language (as in the isolation of "bruises" in the lines just quoted), the later editions employ the same third-person perspective, looking to the objective language of a judicial opinion, the words as words, rather than subjective experience or metaphor, for the emotional intensity of the poem. With its use of judicial opinions as the raw material of poetry, Testimony radically undercuts the traditional assumption that the poet works in a private sphere that is somehow separate from the pressures and pulls of the public domain. Not only is the poem an object, but it is an object taken from the workaday world that poets traditionally have viewed as unsuitable for poetry. Testimony never lets us forget that it is judicial opinions the poet is expounding.
Reznikoff's most important innovation and chief legacy to subsequent poets was this use of social speech, the public language of lawyers, to further the Modernist project of drawing attention to the linguistic qualities of a poem. By juxtaposing the descriptions of fact—the underlying story—of one case after another, he created an emotionally powerful collage from the apparently impersonal language of judicial opinions, a collage that chronicles America's struggle with slavery and its emergence as a commercial and industrial power.


Natural Science Division
2.1.        Biology
2.1.1.        鸭子
By panovation(640) 讲一种鸭子body size 与 home size 关系之类的,后面说实验结果跟两个之前预测的都相反了(这里有infer 考题)



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