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OG12 逻辑77

Although the earliest surviving Greek inscriptions written in an alphabet date from the eighth century B.C., the fact that the text of these Greek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to right[evidence] indicates that the Greeks adopted alphabetic writing at least two centuries before these inscriptions were produced[结论]. After all, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and presumably, along with the alphabet, they also adopted the then-current Phoenician practice with respect to the direction of text. And although Phoenician writing was originally inconsistent in direction, by the eighth century B.C. Phoenician was consistently written from right to left and had been for about two centuries.[evidence]

After all, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and presumably, along with the alphabet, they also adopted the then-current Phoenician practice with respect to the direction of text.
这句是什么作用啊 属于background 还是 premise?
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This scentence is the process of inference which explains why we can

get the conclusion from the ecidences.

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but where is the premise?
you mean the sentence associates the first evidence with the second evidence to support the conclusion?


I think there is no absolutely difference between evidence and premise. Do not be so serious about these.

Yes, I think the sentence just play a role of explaining since if you eliminate the sentence you still get all evidence you need to make the conclusion but the argument is just a little confusing for a reader without any background knowleage.


thank u!



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