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求助CR OG12 P487的第五题

A company is considering changing its policy concerning daily working hours. Currently, this company requires all employees to arrive at work at 8 a.m. The proposed policy would permit each employee to decide when to arrive—from as early as 6 a.m. to as late as 11 a.m.

The adoption of this policy would be most likely to decrease employees’ productivity if the employees’ job functions required them to

(A) work without interruption from other employees
(B) consult at least once a day with employees from other companies
(C) submit their work for a supervisor’s eventual approval
(D) interact frequently with each other throughout the entire workday
(E) undertake projects that take several days to complete

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B is irrelevant, we have no information about employees from other companies.
D: we know the employees will interact frequently wi th eacha other throughout the entire workday, so if one employee arrive as early as 6 a.m and his or her partner arrive as latte as 11 a.m.——the former has to wait for 5 hours!


B说的是和别的公司的员工沟通,别的公司的员工全天都上班啊,别的公司的员工没有实行此公司的政策。你是不是没看见other ......D想说的是此公司的员工之间需要频繁沟通,那我想找你时,你没来上班,不就影响我的工作效率了吗,(这就是为啥公司不喜欢员工请假的原因。)



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