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大全TEST I- 4

4. Television programming experts maintain that with each 1% increase in the prime-time ratings of a television station there is a 3.5% increase in the number of people who watch its evening news program. However, in the last ten years at Channel NTR, there was only one year of extremely high prime-time ratings and during that year, fewer people than ever watched Channel NTR’s evening news program.

Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the statements above?

(A) When a news program has good ratings, the channel as a whole will have good ratings.

(B) The programming experts neglected to consider daytime news programs.

(C) The year of high ratings at NTR was a result of two hit shows which were subsequently canceled because of contractual problems.

(D) The ten-year period in question is not representative of normal viewing patterns.E

(E) Prime-time ratings are not the only factor affecting how many people watch an evening news program.

why is D not right?

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