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9. Which of the following best completes the passage below? The computer industry’s estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is much smaller than estimated because (A) many users who illegally copy programs never find any use for them (B) most of the illegally copied programs would not be purchased even if purchasing them were the only way to obtain them (C) even if the computer industry received all the revenue it claims to be losing, it would still be experiencing financial difficulties (D) the total market value of all illegal copies is low in comparison to the total revenue of the computer industry (E) the number of programs that are frequently copied illegally is low in comparison to the number of programs available for sale


题干中的no serious interest 指的是利益还是兴趣?

B中的 EVEN IF 后的内容怎么让人觉得别扭,与题干关系不大呢,我就是在看到这后半句就排除它了


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