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In a survey of consumers in an Eastern European nation, respondents were asked two questions about each of 400 famous Western brands: whether or not they recognized the brand name and whether or not they thought the products bearing that name were of high quality. The results of the survey were a rating and corresponding rank order for each brand based on recognition, and a second rating-plus-ranking based on approval. The brands ranked in the top 27 for recognition were those actually available in that nation. The approval rankings of these 27 brands often differed sharply from their recognition rankings. By contrast, most of the other brands had ratings, and thus rankings, that were essentially the same for recognition as for approval

Which one of the following, if each is a principle about consumer surveys, is violated by the survey described?

(A) Never ask all respondents a question if it cannot reasonably be answered by respondents who make a particular response to another question in the same survey

(B) Never ask a question that is likely to generate a large variety of responses that are difficult to group into a manageable number of categories

(C) Never ask all respondents a question that respondents cannot answer without giving up their anonymity

(D) It is better to ask the same question about ten different products than to ask ten different questions about a single product

(E) It is best to ask questions that a respondent can answer without fear of having gotten the answer wrong

Tons of thanks[em09][em09][em09]
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在一个针对东欧国家消费者的SURVEY里,RESPONDENTS 对每一个400个西方品牌要回答2个问题:他们是否知道这个品牌,他们是否认为这个品牌代表了高品质. 根据消费者对这两个问题的回答, SURVEY的结果:1.对每个品牌根据认知度评级并排序;2.根据这个品牌是否代表高品质评级并排序. 认知度排名前27的品牌实际上是在那个国家可以买到的品牌, 高品质排名前27的品牌,他们的认知度排名与其品质排名有很大出入.但是其他的品牌,这两项排名基本一致.

\"Our lives are a combination of good and bad, positive and negative.When we focus on the good that is already present, we feel better. If not, we don\'t. Either way, life goes on.\" -- Peter McWilliams



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