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Partly because of bad weather, but also partly because some major pepper growers have switched to high-priced cocoa, world production of pepper has been running well below worldwide sales for three years. Pepper is consequently in relatively short supply. The price of pepper has soared in response: it now equals that of cocoa.

11. Some observers have concluded that the rise in the price of pepper means that the switch by some growers from pepper to cocoa left those growers no better off than if none of them had switched; this conclusion, however, is unwarranted because it can be inferred to be likely that

(A) those growers could not have foreseen how high the price of pepper would go

(B) the initial cost involved in switching from pepper to cocoa is substantial

(C) supplies of pepper would not be as low as they are if those growers had not switched crops

(D) cocoa crops are as susceptible to being reduced by bad weather as are pepper cropsC

(E) as more growers turn to growing cocoa, cocoa supplies will increase and the price of cocoa will fall precipitously

一些观察家认为pepper价格上升意味着,从pepper 生产转向cocoa的种植者不会比那些没有转产的人赚得更多,然而,这个结论并不能保证是对的,因为可能推倒存在以下的情况(削弱这个结论)。C: Pepper 的供应量为受到影响,所以价格没变。

可是B,如果转产的成本很高,即使价格上升,仍有可能not better off 呀

D, 如果,cocoa and pepper 同时减产,同时价格上升,也有可能not better off 呀

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B - "substantial cost" does not mean anything, it has to compare to

the potential financial gain or loss as a result of swtiching from

pepper to cocao; if the switching cost is still higher than the

positive gain from producing cocao, it is no BETTER OFF; if the

switch cost is still less than the positive gain from producing

cocao, it is BETTER OFF.

D - same principal, if weather is bad, it favors neither pepper no

cocao, like you said, both will yeild a lower production, but no

comparison between them two, pepper could be either BETTER OFF or

NOT, depends on who is affected more severely.

C - If those growers had not switched, supplies of peppers would have

been higher, price would have been stable (but not increase), so the

growers would not have been BETTER OFF, for sure.



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