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24. Certain minor peculiarities of language are used unconsciously by poets. If such peculiarities appear in the works of more than one poet, they are likely to reflect the language in common use during the poets' time. However, if they appear in the work of only one poet, they are likely to be personal idiosyncrasies. As such, they can provide a kind of "fingerprint" that allows scholars, by comparing a poem of previously unknown authorship to the work of a particular known poet, to identify the poem as the work of that poet.

For which on of the following reasons can the test described above never provide conclusive proof of the authorship of any poem?

(A) The labor of analyzing peculiarities of language both in the work of a known poet and in a poem of unknown authorship would not be undertaken unless other evidence already suggested that the poem of unknown authorship was written by the known poet.

(B) A peculiarity of language that might be used as an identifying mark is likely to be widely scattered in the work of a poet, so that a single poem not known to have been written by that poet might not include that peculiarity.

(C) A peculiarity of language in a poem of unknown authorship could be evidence either that the poem was written by the one author known to use that peculiarity or that the peculiarity was not unique to that author.

(D) Minor peculiarities of language contribute far less to the literary effect of any poem than such factors as poetic form, subject matter, and deliberately chosen wording.

(E) A poet's use of some peculiarities of language might have been unconscious in some poems and conscious in other poems, and the two uses would be indistinguishable to scholars at a later date.

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诗人们会在无意中运用少量怪癖的词汇。如果这些怪癖的用法在多个诗人的作品中出现,则反映了这个时代的语言的普遍现象。然而, 如果这些怪癖的用法只在一个诗人的作品中出现,则它们就反映了这个诗人的独特风格。 这样,这些独特风格为学者们提供了一个类似于“指纹”的鉴别方法,即通过将过去的,作者身份不祥的诗与作者已知的作品作比较,来鉴定该作品是否出自该作者之手。
C。 一首未知作者身份的诗中语言的怪癖用法,可能出自一个作者众所周知的惯用手法,也可能出自这个作者的一次性手笔。

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-7-22 12:10:26编辑过]



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