21,有一道bold face考得是原题。说的是:since the amount of pullution blablaba...一些CRITIC说政府的防止污染的举措没有得到很好的实施,however,the critics are wrong.Since the amount of enterprises(or firms)start has doubled。问划线部分的关系
22,还有一道GWD还有PREP的原题说是visual inspection对certain desease不是very reliable,因此有个hospital就要引进一种新型的equipment,然后说了这种euiqpment的benifit,问下列哪一个能evaluate引进仪器是否能带来profit。这题答案我记得很清楚,是whether the frequently of uses 那个
24,assume题。一些需要飞虫受精的花有种什么fungus引起的病,另一些不需要虫子受精的花没有这种病,结论:飞虫给这种花带来的病。 答案:(很简单)飞虫不是选择有病的花才授粉
25,还碰到书法那题:在四川(希望受灾群众能被尽早救出,我已经做好了捐钱的准备了)发掘出什么东西。那个东西一角有个什么体(李。。)的书法,因为李某人活在144X到14XX年,所以这个东西不可能早于1460年,问加强。 C.有些书法家在14XX年后开始使用李XX体 D.这东西有好几种书法字体 E.有李。。体的书法的东西没有在144X年前被发掘的 (感觉哪个都不好,最后选了E,因为印象中和prep的一道什么发掘出土的有欧洲来的器具的题有点像)
26,一地方去年夏天潮湿多雨,今天夏天干旱。已知交通事故易发生在潮湿天气,推出今年夏天比去年夏天车祸少。问削弱 A. ……忘了 B. 统计说车祸多发生在冬天 C. 无论天气怎样,居民夏天都去vacation D. 今年夏天居民每天跑更多的公里数 E. ……又忘了……
27,我根据机经找的原题 20. GWD27-Q20: Critics of certain pollution-control regulations have claimed that the money spent over the last decade in order to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide and of volatile organic compounds has been wasted. The evidence they offer in support of this claim might appear compelling: despite the money spent, annual emissions of these pollutants have been increasing steadily. This evidence is far from adequate, however, since over the last decade a substantial number of new industrial facilities that emit these pollutants have been built. In the reasoning given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? A. The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is evidence that has been cited by others in support of that claim. B. The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support. C. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support. D. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence used to support the reasoning’s contention. E. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence that has been used to support that position.
29,科学家认为:the fact that 人觉得背后有人在看自己时,通常会发现真的有人在看,是由于人扭头向后看的动作引起他人注意从而看向他,却被当作刚才在看他。
30,发现了用corn做燃料特别好,这可以减少对石油的消耗,但是这个导致了corn的涨价。有个公司发现用一种fungus可以促进生成E开头的一种燃料(应该是燃料的中间产品),这个也不会影响corn的价格且很energy effecient,于是我们该大量用这个。 问assumption 我选的 大量用fungus生产不会降低其effecient
31, GWD有,就是說現在古時候蓋的房子比現在蓋的房子好,所以結論古時候的工匠技術比較好,問weaken 答:古時候不好的都已經倒塌了 Q2: GWD-4-14 Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward. Clearly carpenters working on hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care, and effort than carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer’s argument?(削弱)
A. The quality of original carpentry in hotels is generally far superior to the quality of original carpentry in other structures, such as houses and stores. B. Hotels built since 1930 can generally accommodate more guests than those built before 1930. C. The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not significantly different in quality from the materials available to carpenters working after 1930.(支持作用)
D. The better the quality of original carpentry in a building, the less likely that building is to fall into disuse and be demolished. E. The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined significantly since 1930. (支持作用)
33,说现在office-paper(大概是这个词)行业在下降,moreover,很多international competitors 的竞争,这些竞争者的costs are lower,但是,一个prediction说 FP公司- a leading company in the industy的profits 不会下降。问加强。有一个选项说 FP公司什么能改变自身的communication来更适应环境什么的能力比other compepitors要好还有一个选项说FP公司可以另外制造手纸等等的东西。还有几个选项不记得了,我选了前面那个。不知道对不对。
34,大概是说说一个做预言的公司从1965年以后到1995年期间对某国的GNP做predict。但是这个公司对这个国家后5年的prediction低估了,但是对previous year的估计(这个previous GNP是这个国家的secret)很准。问conclusion。这题我开始看错了,
看成assumption了觉得哪个都不对。几个选项,有个说1995年后这个公司对这个国家GNP5年后的prediction have reason 被认为有可能低估了。大概是这个意思还有个说
比较严,之后有propose说要relax the regulation,而且也relax了。但是八年前被approved的药比八年后被approved的药
表示出了更大的危害性。问哪一个解释了以上的矛盾。 有个选项说要的危害性要几年(一个具体的数,忘了)以后在能表现出来。我好像选的这个,其他都忘了~但是不知道对不对。
36,有道题小孩系着安全带坐在车后面比前面安全好多,系着安全带比不系安全好多,又知道小孩不系安全带也是坐在后面比前面安全好多,结论是小孩坐车就应该坐后面。 问削弱,我选的是小孩坐在后面特别容易把系着的安全带给弄开,不是很确定,但其他的应该更不对,我没记住其他选项~
37,第一道CR说的是有一个公司说在他家工作超过2年的人大多数参加了一个什么项目,而工作少于2年的人则很少参加这个项目。得出结论说参加这个项目有益于延长在这个公司工作的时间。问以下哪个问题能更好的说名blabla... 好像选的是whether 工作时间长所以参加的项目也朵 不知道对不对,因为v太差了,怕耽误大家
Certain genetically modified strains品種 of maize玉米 produce a natural insecticide that protects against maize-eating insects. The insecticide occurs throughout the plant, including its pollen. Maize pollen is dispersed by the wind and often blows onto milkweed plants that grow near maize fields. Caterpillars of monarch butterflies feed exclusively on milkweed leaves. When, in experiments, these caterpillars were fed milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from modified maize plants, they died. Therefore, use of the modified maize inadvertently imperils monarch butterflies.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Per unit of volume, the natural insecticide produced by the genetically modified maize plants is less toxic to insects than are many commercial insecticides commonly used on maize plants.
B. Standard weed-control practices that have been used by farmers for decades have largely eliminated milkweed plants from certain areas where monarch-butterfly caterpillars were once common.
C. The experiments showed that the caterpillars were not harmed by contact with the pollen from the genetically modified plants unless they ingested it.
D. The maize-eating insects that the natural insecticide protects against do not feed on the pollen of the maize plant.結論的特殊性這裏討論蝴蝶。
E. Airborne maize pollen tends to collect on the middle leaves of milkweed plants and monarch caterpillars feed only on the plant’s tender upper leaves.
39,接触核辐射会得cancer, 所以在核辐射厂工作的人比general的人概率高,但是survey发现有个厂workers并未比general的比例大,问是为什么,有个选项是因为该厂给工人良好的防范措施什么的。有个是因为得cancer一般要接触核辐射后很多年才发生,所以需要等这些workers退休后才能反映出来。我选的是后者
40,有个著名作家用X化名进行写作,对经大批用该化名写作的手稿进行研究,最后发现是Y这个人写的,问support 我选的是因为当Y死后,在他的遗物里面发现了有个printer(确实有这个单词,但没明白其含义),是与X相关
41,还有道remote memory是这样的,仅供参考背景吧,有个地图绘制于1439(unsure),清楚地描绘了北美洲海岸的轮廓线,包括哥伦布发现好旺角的航程,有本书是哥伦布写的,记录的是他发现好旺角的航程,以及1492年后他回到欧洲的事,他整个航程的事,但这本书没有提到这个地图的关系。问由此可以推出什么结论, 我选的是这本书是在1492年以后写的
Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs. Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision? A. Whether the visits of patients who require diagnosis of skin discolorations tend to be shorter in duration at the clinic than at the hospital B. Whether the principles on which the machine operates have been known to science for a long time C. Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does
D. Whether in certain cases of skin discoloration, visual inspection is sufficient to make a diagnosis of skin cancer E. Whether hospitals in other parts of the country have purchased such imaging machines
44,广告多使用celebrity ,但是随着观众越来越sceptical whether the celebrity 真的使用了该产品 , 广告使用celebrity 的效果并不好。问weaken
有选项说很多media现在carry on 关于celebrity 参加这些广告的收入什么的,我选了这个,还有说although audience 都不喜欢看广告,但是当电视播放这些名人广告时对他们的还是很attractive。
45,some pink flower needs pollinater, others are self pollinated pink flower. the study shows that some fungus has been spread by the polinator among the pink flower that needs pollination. (Evaluation)
46,一个杂志做实验,一个人blindshed(?)另个人peel sticker然后根据指示做什么或不做什么,第一个人猜中率很高比chance高,evluate。选peel是否可以audit?
47,用某个化学物质,硫化物应该是,可以造A也可以造B,但是现在很少用A,为什么这个化学物质用量没有减少?说了B的产量也不变,explain.选工厂发觉硫化物可以代替某个更贵的物质。 鉴于我的v只有33,所以大家只能参照。。。 |