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Which of the following, if true, is the most logical completion of the argument below?
The tax system of the Republic of Grootland encourages borrowing by granting its taxpayers tax relief for interest paid on loans. The system also discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings. Nevertheless, it is clear that Grootland's tax system does not consistently favor borrowing over saving, for if it did, there would be no--.
(A) tax relief in Grootland for those portions of a taxpayer's income, if any, hat are set aside to increase that taxpayer's total savings
(B) tax relief in Grootland for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to ending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans
(C) tax relief in Grootland for interest that taxpayers are charged on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts
(D) taxes due in Grootland on the cash value of gifts received by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open saving accounts
(E) taxes due in Grootland on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts
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Republic of Grootland 的政策是:
encourages borrowing by tax relief;discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings。
“Nevertheless, it is clear that Grootland's tax system does not consistently favor borrowing over saving, for if it did, there would be no--”要求找出与现行政策不符的做法:

A) encourage saving
B)encourage borrowing
C)encourage borrowing
D)discourage saving
E)discourage saving


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