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   Mannis corporation's archival records are store in an obsolete format that is accessible only by its current computer system;thus they are inaccessible when that system is not functioning properly. In order to avoid the possibility of losing access to their archival records in the case of computer malfuction. Mannis plans to replace its current computer system with a new system that stores records in a format that is accessible to several diffrent system.

The answer to which of the following questions would be most helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of the plan as a meas of retaining access to the archival records?

正确选项D.  will Mannis' current collection of archival records be readily transferable to the new computer system?

我认为肯定答案可以达到强化论证的目的;但是否定答案并不能说明新系统就不能建立,可以重新输入档案以建立新系统。 起不到evaluate 的作用。

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曾记得,鲁迅先生说过,最难煎熬的岁月里用佛学的说法就是“凤凰涅盘”的时刻。何谓之?因为凤凰在涅盘之后,将得以升天,化为一种神物,不再是凡间的动物。 每时每刻,在我最难熬的岁月中,我总是用这句话来安慰自己,鼓舞自己,因为我知道,要让自己不凡,必须有过煎熬的

否定当然就说明“REPLACE”行不通,如果“archival records ”无法转化为新程序,连就基本的“available"都做不到,更谈不上其它的操作了。


要求评价的是 the effectiveness of the plan as a means of retaining access to the archival records.
If the archival records cannot transfer to the new system,the plan will fail.

Some of my experience: you should find the assumptions and see which choice are related to the assumption(s).

This question, for example, has at least two assumptions:
1.the new system will funtion properly enought to ensure the accessibility
2. the archival is accessible in the new system

The choice answers the 2nd assumption.
Hope it helps.


谢谢redli和Louisa_xy  ^_^
曾记得,鲁迅先生说过,最难煎熬的岁月里用佛学的说法就是“凤凰涅盘”的时刻。何谓之?因为凤凰在涅盘之后,将得以升天,化为一种神物,不再是凡间的动物。 每时每刻,在我最难熬的岁月中,我总是用这句话来安慰自己,鼓舞自己,因为我知道,要让自己不凡,必须有过煎熬的



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