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In the work place , influenza is typically spead by infected individuals to others with whom they work in close quarters . A new medicime that suppresses the symptoms of influenza therefore will actually incease the number of influenza cases. because this medicine will allow people to return to work while infected.
Which of the following is the serious challenge to the argument above ?

An: coughing , a symptom of influenza that the new medicine suppresses is a primary mechanism in the spread of this illness.

My choice was
Most adults who are immunized against influenza in order to avoid being infected are over 65 years old and retired and thus do not work outside the home.

THX ^^

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Concentrated and Diligent

偶以为,the people over 65 years old 与原文中提到的PEOPLE in the work place实为两个不同的范畴,且文中没有给出它们之间的比较。


but :'.....and thus do not work outside the home.' stimulates my imagination...
Concentrated and Diligent



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