2. 医院应尽一切努力去缓适病人病情。一个调查显示,有两对人,一堆人的病房能看到tree,另一堆人看不到,两堆人病情similar,看到tree的人好的快,因此应采用该调查。问seriously undermine the conclusion
a 有一些医院就不能看到tree b 那些看不到tree的房间能看到building
c 两堆人的人数roughly相等 d 医院的face to doctor。。。
An: B
3.The J about an inland lake salmon, Konekee?. Konekee feeds during the day near surface water.
Question: Which of the following, if true, would predicts that the plan (introduction of a krill shrimp ) would not work?
Choice: Krill feeds at night in bottom water.
6.动物AA吃动物BB, 但最近AA数目未增加,而草原上引入了一种动物CC, CC不吃BB, 而且BB and CC 的食物都很充沛,但最近BB数目的下降还是CC造成的,because________, BB and CC 争抢驻地,CC将BB赶出dent, 使其危险增加。(给点掌声啊,考试时AA, BB, and CC, 差点没把我绕晕)
丫头: 噼里啪啦.....
7.打捞一条船的残骸,用chemical方法测,船上的timber和coins是4AD, 但是一个jar是8AD, 问解释这种discrepancy
but how can a Jar made in 8AD be sealed in 4AD ??
8. 两个market都卖fish。A卖的比b的贵。Ab都在一处进货,而这两家的profits相等,因此――――
a 住在a区得人更愿意去其他区买fish
b 两个market的成本相等
丫头:the cost of these two mkts can not be identical, one explaination can be ' the cost of fish from one supplier can be different , but the question asks for '
因此――――' is A the Ans ? I assume.
9. Apex Corp owns 15 casinos, lagest in a state. Competitor B Corp wins the bid to buy Casino C Corp. Now B has to sell 5 casino it own to comply with a state law forbidng each corp owns more than 50 per cent. Thus, B will own the most number of casino in the state.