I'm pleased to inform you that the college of commerce has recommended that you be admitted on condition to the college of graduate studies and research to pursue the MBA degree program for the 2007/2008 academic year. The condition is being placed upon your acceptance as you must complete the prerequisite courses in introductory methematics, statistics, Micro economics and Macro economics, which are required for entrance into the program. As discussed, you will be required to complete these courses and provide a record of completion to our office prior to begging the program in August. Your status will be amended to fully qualified upon successful completion. As you are aware, this is a recommendation only, as the College of Graduate Studies and Research makes the final decision regarding admission. They will, upon review of the recommendation, provide you with confirmation of their decision. Upon receiving confirmation of acceptance, you will be asked to confirm that you do, infact plan to attend.......To secure your attendance in the program,please submit a non-refundable tuition deposit of 750 which is payable within one month of the date of this offer of admission. The preferred method of payment is by cheque or bank draft...... 请问,这算是ad吗?而且研究生院还要再审材料,这封信里已经要钱了,好像感觉给了钱就发录取通知似的。另外payment by cheque 或bank draft咋付?谢谢~~~~^_^ |