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Help, XDF-S6-14, the meaning of some phrases

14. William H. Johnson's artistic debt to Scandinavia is evident in paintings that range from sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife's Danish home, Kerteminde, to awe-inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks in the western and northern regions of Norway.

What's the meaning of the following phrases,

sb's artistic debt to someplace,(艺术灵感?)

sensitive portraits(传神的肖像?)

awe-inspiring views(壮观的景色?)

fjords and mountain peaks (海峡和山峰?)

Can any NN help give the right explanations?

Thanks in advance.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-13 13:52:35编辑过]

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I came, I suffered, I survived.

Thanks, sunnystore.
I came, I suffered, I survived.


William H. Johnson's artistic debt to Scandinavia
我认为意思是  William H. Johnson 在艺术方面受到 Scandinavia 的影象
sensitive 应是: 微妙细致



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