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lsat16-II-24 路德金同志傻了!

24. People were asked in a survey how old they felt. They replied, almost unanimously despite a great diversity of ages, with a number that was 75 percent of their real age. There is, however, a problem in understanding this sort of response. For example, suppose it meant that a 48-year-old man was claiming to feel as he felt at 36. But at age 16 he would have said he felt like a man of 27, and at 27 he would have said he felt just over 20, and so on into childhood. And surely, that 48-year-old man did not mean to suggest that he felt like a child!

Which one of the following techniques of reasoning is employed in the argument?

(A) projecting from responses collected alone time from many individuals of widely different ages to hypothetical earlier responses of a single individual at some of those ages

(8) reinterpreting what certain people actually said in the light of what would, in the circumstances, have been the most reasonable thing for them to say

(C) qualifying an overly sweeping generalization in light of a single well chosen counterexample

(D) deriving a contradiction from a pair of statements in order to prove that at least one of those statements is false

(E) analyzing an unexpected unanimity among respondents as evidence, not of a great uniformity of opinion among those respondents but of their successful manipulation by their questioners
正确是A), 除了D)老实说答案都看不懂!谁能解释一下。谢谢。
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题目说的是有个survey,调查人们如何回答关于自己真实年龄的问题,( 老美真无聊,这也能问) , 虽然不同年龄段,但是人们普篇回答只有真是年龄的75%, ,作者说这就有一个理解这个结果的问题了,.就是, 有这么一个人,a man , 他实际有48岁, 可是按照上面调查结果的理解, 他就会感觉自己只有36岁, 再下去, 36又会感觉27, 20.....直到小孩,可是显然这个48岁的中年人并不感觉自己是小孩.

所以题目就问, 用了什么论证方法

这正是题目采用的论证方法, 当然, 这种推论方法是错的. 但是题目问的就是用了什么方法, 所以答案A就指出了这种方法了

B  以人们在某种情形下最合理的说法去重新理解人们实际上说的
c  仅以一个细心选取的反例就企图得到一个以偏概全的错误概括
d  从一对陈述中推出矛盾, 企图由此得到至少其中有一个使错误的
E  把某种预料之外的一致性观点理解为被调查者普篇成功欺骗了调查者,而不是理解为被调查者中普偏存在的一致观点

读懂选项后选对答案就不难了。 愚见


stephanie, 谢谢你!



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