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Experience of Duke's interview (转)

Just finished campus interview in duke. Some experience to share.

Check in half hour before your interview. You can park in the front of the building and they will give your parking permit. I parked at the campus visitors' parking lot and had to pay by myself($2/hour).

Before your interview, you can sit down at the lounge and talk with some first year students. They can answer your questions and told you their study experience in Fuqua. I think it is a good arrangement. It can also help you to be accustomed with English.

Just as I expected, the interviewer is a second year student. He is nice. At first he just introduce himself and told you something about the interview policy. Then start!

What he got is only my resume.(By the way, the school asked you to bring your resume to interview although you maybe have sent your documents online). To my surprise, he didn't ask me to introduce myself. I had prepared it for many times but it was no use. He did follow my resume to ask questions about my working experience. So be familiar with your resume and thought about the details. For example, if you say you do project and saving 30%, just be sure you can answer how you save it.

Some regular questions were also asked: Why MBA, Why Duke, career goal, Big challenge you meet, leadership experience, Activities out of work, How you manager describe you(You should think examples to answer why they describe you as such kind of person), What will you do in spare time?

The questions were mixed with asking your experience. So be clear in mind.

Finally asked him some questions.

It lasted about 30 minutes. My feeling was not so good, not so bad. Anway, completed! The decision is on the other side.




随着飞机离开地面,Triangle Research Park也在机翼下幻化成了一片灯海,我也结束了两天的北卡之行。
我是提前一天到的北卡。住在Wellesley Inn and Suites Raleigh,从Priceline上拍到的,$30每晚加税和手续费,有微波炉,电炉,餐具,咖啡壶,冰箱,熨斗和吹风机。房间很大,床也很舒服。有免费的自助早餐。距机场约10分钟的车程,开车去Duke和UNC均约25分钟。
第二天我约的是10点Check-in,9:45到达Fuqua,把车停在学校对面的Science Dr. Parking Lot,不要付费,Admission Office会给你一张Day Pass。
Check-in 的时候,我交了一页的简历并选了Competitive Analysis的一门课旁听,时间是10:30~11:45,在等上课的期间,有一年级的学生来和我们这些被面试人来聊天,气氛很轻松。10点半的时候,一个学生带我和另外一个从亚特兰大来的小伙子去教室。在路上我得知他已经面试完了,并很热心的告诉我他遇到的最难的问题是What is the difference between leader and manager。其他的均是Why MBA, Why now, Why Fuqua, Team-work experience 等常见问题。课是给二年级的学生开的,教授先大致介绍了一下要讲的内容,让我们两个旁听者介绍自己。这节课主要是讲博弈论的一些应用,我大概能听懂三分之二的样子。
因为谈话是non-evaluative,气氛很轻松,也顺便帮我练习了面试。有一点有些奇怪的是,尽管这位HSM的Coordinator声称她不参加录取及面试,但当我问到一个很具体的关于HSM的问题时,她说:Your interviewer can answer this question. If she can not, I will help you to figure it out。她好像早已经知道我的面试官是一位二年级的HSM的女生。
               1点45我回到了录取办公室。2点整,一位二年级的女生出来自我介绍她是我的面试官,并把我带到了面试的房间。整个面试持续了45分钟,但问题却大大出乎我的意料,与BW论坛里其他人公布的Fuqua的面试题有很大的不同。第一个问题是很普通的:Go through your resume to introduce yourself。但接下来几乎全是Behavior的问题:Use three words to describe yourself; How did your supervisor describe you, use three words; Teamwork-related challenges, what is your role and the final result; Leadership experience; What is the difference between leader and manager; What do you think the most important characteristics of a leader; If you have chance to pick up three person to form a team, what kind of person do you want to pick up and why; What will you do to contribute Fuqua if you become a MBA in Fuqua ( She told me do not say you have unique background because everyone in Fuqua is unique, say something detail that you can do for Fuqua community). 其中也有Why Fuqua 的问题:What are the three important criteria for you to choose schools; Why do you think Fuqua fits you. 另一个有点奇怪的问题是:当你80、90岁时(我能活那么久吗),你最希望其他人如何评价你的一生?这是我的最后一个问题,听完后我都有点不相信自己的耳朵,这不像在申请商学院,倒像在向组织交心(声明,鄙人不是党员)。接着我问了她三个问题。
3点差10分,我带着一脑袋疑问开车奔赴UNC。3点半我和UNC Public Health School 的一位教授有约。开车从Fuqua 到UNC约需25分钟。说实话,UNC给我的感觉并不好,校园很乱,到处都在施工,路标也不是很清楚,学校里也找不到地图。当我问那位教授他认为MBA in healthcare 和MHA 的区别是,他竟说:Duke 的学费是UNC的两倍,我当即对这场谈话就失去了兴趣。
1. 着装:我那天大概有20人参加面试,女士均为深色套装。男士穿的倒很随意,既有穿套装的,也有穿衬衫和棉质长裤的,但均是皮鞋,几乎没有人系领带。
2. 如果面试安排在午后,记得带牙具或口香糖。
3. 尽量旁听课程和参观学校。
4. 想好几个例子,但千万不要背答案。



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