empirical evidence demonstrates clear linkages between human resource (HR) practices based in the behavioral sciences and various aspects of a firm’s financial success. Additionally, some of the world’s most successful organizations have made unique HR practices a core element of their overall business strategies. 我一开始从这句话中觉得选b 的, 但是首先b 中的increasingly 不对. 其次这句话也不是关注于 HR professionals , 而题目问的是HR professionals , 所以我觉得b就不好了. 对于d, 我也有一些疑问, 文章中说的是HR professionals 的地位较其他的低,所以学生不爱选这课, 但是在问题中问得是about HR professionals in business organizations, 答案d怎么可以把学生给扯进来呢? 如果问题是问为啥学生不喜欢 HR professionals 的话, 那么d 就名正言顺地是答案了. 以上是个人观点, 请各位nn指正 |