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Brochure:  Help conserve our city’s water supply.  By converting the landscaping in your yard to a water-conserving landscape, you can greatly reduce your outdoor water use.  A water-conserving landscape is natural and attractive, and it also saves you money.
Criticism:  For most people with yards, the savings from converting to a water-conserving landscape cannot justify the expense of new landscaping, since typically the conversion would save less than twenty dollars on a homeowner’s yearly water bills.

Which of the following, if true, provides the best basis for a rebuttal of the criticism?
A. Even homeowners whose yards do not have water-conserving landscapes can conserve water by installing water-saving devices in their homes.
B. A conventional landscape generally requires a much greater expenditure on fertilizer and herbicide than does a water-conserving landscape.
C. A significant proportion of the residents of the city live in buildings that do not have yards.
D. It costs no more to put in water-conserving landscaping than it does to put in conventional landscaping.
E. Some homeowners use more water to maintain their yards than they use for all other purposes combined.
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B里面说传统的landscape会在fertilizer和herbicide这两方面花费比water-conserving更多的钱,那也就是说我如果装了water-saving devices,就会save money,也就是对criticism的强烈weaken和对brochure的strengthen


应该是改装成water-conserving landscape,才save money 吧,不是装了water-saving devices


恩 是的 那为什么不选D呢?


Criticism holds that the savings from converting to a water-conserving landscape from a conventional landscape is very small,  the difference of bill is only 20 dollars per year.

While D) is comparing the cost difference between setting up a water-conserving landscape and setting up a conventional landscape.  It has nothing to do with the criticism.

Because the criticism emphasize on the result of conversion. Anything happened prior to the conversion is out of scope.


不可以这么理解,Criticism承认按装water-conserving landscaping 比conventional landscaping省钱,但是省的那20块钱,不足以支付新的landscaping的其他费用。D只不过是再度重申了装water-conserving landscaping 比conventional landscaping省钱。没有削弱Criticism的主要反驳Brochure的点。



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