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能否只考作文不靠verbal and math?

今天收到成绩, 作文只有3.5。 打死我都不信,这是我当时写的作文,大家看只3。5的水平吗

“Whether in politics or in business, leaders of any group need to understand that learning to compromise is ultimately more important than winning.”

In the past few years, there has been a hot debate about whether compromise is more important than win for any groups. Different people have their different ideas about this issue due to their respective backgrounds. Some people believe that win is more important, while others think that compromise is more important. In my point of view, I agree with the latter that the effective leadership depends more on compromise than on winning.

To begin with, mutual compromise is a very important negotiating skill to resolve disputes between organizations. When they make transaction, any corporations unavoidably meet conflicts with other companies and individuals, such as raw material suppliers, consumers and competitive rivals. If all both sides of transaction want to win but refuse to compromise based on their own self-interests, how can they making the transactions successfully? Of course the transaction will be abortive. However, if both sides learn to compromise and choose to sacrifice a little interest of their own to satisfy the others, they will get mutual-win and may build the partnership.

Moreover, political decision in a democratic country is the result of compromise between various interest groups. For example, in the United States, when the congress plans to making and enact a new policy or law of environment-protection, it cannot only consider the interest of environment-protection groups, it also has to take into account the interests of other industrial organizations, such as motor corporations and energy corporations. Therefore the congress has to compromise the interests of different interest groups to make a reasonable scheme so that it will be accepted by all sides.

Finally, in recently years more and more organizations, even once the competitive rivals, learn to compromise mutually to build alliance to compete with their bigger common rivals. There is a good example for cell phone manufacturing industry. Sony and Erison are once the rivals in cell phone manufacture, but in order to compete with their biggest adversaries such as Nokia and Motorola, these two companies give up the difference and make compromise to make an alliance. Thus company Sony-Ericsson came into being

Some of my dissenters may contend that the ability to win is more important. Admittedly, it is true that the ambitious to win is also important for an effective leader. However, if the leader overemphasizes the importance of win but ignore to learn to compromise, he or she will not be able to balance the interest of different interest groups and his or her corporation will get nothing.

In final analysis, because of the above-mentioned reasons, which probably interweave into an organic whole and become more compelling, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that learning to compromise is ultimately more important than winning for group leaders.

请问能不能光靠作文阿?不靠verbal and math. 各位给个建议把

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好像不可以只考作文的,但可以rescore自己作文分数的,不过rescore一定要慎重的说,就知道有人GRE 的作文rescore后分数反而变低的,但GMAT情况就不是很清楚了,仅供参考巴。



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