1、学校要求official records are defined as original documents bearing the actural--not photocopied -- signature of the registrar and the institutional seal. 是不是要求有人签字和学校盖章啊?那要由谁来签字呢,制表人签行吗? 2、cumulative GPA 是指四年的综合成绩吗还是最后两年的? Average GPA of applicants's graduating class 是要全班的平均GPA吗?那么麻烦,如果学校不给提供怎么办啊? 3、我们学校的大学成绩单上只有成绩,没有学时,而且就是档案里也没有,那么怎样计算GPA,难道是所有成绩的简单算术平均吗?
1) your university knows who should sign the signature; 2) if you don't know the answer, just give a rough number; 3) just calculate a rough average, school will calculate it again by themself.