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"cannot be evaluated" 是什么意思。

Meteorologists say that if only they could design accurate mathematical model of the atmosphere with all its complexity, they could forecast the weather with real percision. But this is an idle boast, immune to any evaluation, for any inadequate weather forecast would obviously be blamed on imperferctions in the model.

Which of the following, if true, could best be used as a basis for arguing against the author's position that the meteorologist's claim cannot be evaluated?

(B) Most significant gains in the accuracy of th erelevant mathematical models are accompanied by clear gains in teh precision of weather forecasts.

B是正确答案。不过我不明白 "cannot be evaluated" 是什么意思。M说:模型准确,预测就能准确。批评家说:废话-预测不准确不就是因为模型不准确吗(其实是M的逆反命题)。B说:模型准确和预测准确这两件事儿经常同时发生。这怎么就反对了批评家了呢?!
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题目的问题在于如何评价meteorologist的point和他对这个point的观点, 即, this is an idle boast, immune to any evaluation, “ 这个观点是idle, 并且难以被评价“。 为什么呢?作者给出了他的原因, 因为 for any inadequate weather forecast would be obviously blamed on imperfections in the model.

题目说, 怎样可以反驳作者的观点---这个观点难以被评价。 我们应该去找原命题, 或者, 与原命题相关的命题, 去评价原命题的正确性。 最直接明显的,当然是原命题本身和逆否命题。 选项就是这样一个命题。 你再看看。




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