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feifei-25 D选项为什么对

25. There should be a greater use of gasohol. Gasohol is a mixture of alcohol and gasoline, and has a higher octane rating and fewer carbon monoxide emissions than straight gasoline. Burning gasohol adds no more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than plants remove by photosynthesis.

Each of the following, if true, strengthens the argument above EXCEPT:

A. Cars run less well on gasoline than they do on gasohol.

B. Since less gasoline is needed with the use of gasohol, an energy shortage is less likely.

C. Cars burn on the average slightly more gasohol per kilometer than they do gasoline.

D. Gasohol is cheaper to produce and hence costs less at the pump than gasoline.

E. Burning gasoline adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than plants can remove.

C是weaken没有错,但是D不是也是weaken吗?提及价格不是和正文没有联系吗?怎么还能strengthen?难道There should be a greater use of gasohol.这句话里包涵了价格的涵义?


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D. Gasohol is cheaper to produce and hence costs less at the pump than gasoline. 说Gasohol 成本低,所以支持结论There should be a greater use of gasohol。





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