17.说有一地方的golden strout number is dreased in past ... years. Sb advice that 从别的湖里逮一些来放到自己的湖里。有人就反对,说在past...years他们一直在往湖里投放人工养殖的golden strout。问削弱那个反对?
18.official claimed that residents have complained that conestion of the traffic is heavier than it was in 20 years ago. However, the claim is wrong since the high ways of city has trippled in recent years while the number of automobiles has rose just 75%;ask weakeni choose: most autos on local streets, network, and highways has altered little since 20 yares ago.
20. 应该是老机经的题,说turtle染了一种病,原说法是由pollution 引起,新发现是有一种jellyfish,有一种毒素,而turtle 又吃它,所以认为是JELLYFISH 引起。问支持。
我选,turtle is the main predator of jellyfish.(not so sure) 还有一个选项是渔民最近发现捕获的jellyfish 大幅下降。
25. 某一个大型连锁店O-world开一个城市有个branch, his competitor O-shierk和它竞争,但竞争价格比他在其他的地方价格低,所以, O-W will lower the price to the level as OW hold in the other cities. Ask assumption
36.很少会有人在HOUSE上安装太阳能板,因为COST远大于SAVING on electric, ask WEAKEN.
A. oil price increase recently
B. electric price increase
C. Install will not lead house price increase.
Choose C, (A, B, C are not real)