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Like many other industries, the travel industry is under increasing pressure to expand globally in order to keep pace with its corporate customers, who have globalized their operations in response to market pressure, competitor actions, and changing supplier relations. But it is difficult for service organizations to globalize. Global expansion through acquisition is usually expensive, and expansion through internal growth is time-consuming and sometimes impossible in markets that are not actively growing. Some service industry companies, in fact, regard these traditional routes to global expansion as inappropriate for service industries because of their special need to preserve local responsiveness through local presence and expertise. One travel agency has eschewed the traditional route altogether. A survivor of the changes that swept the travel industry as a result of the deregulation of the airlines in 1978—changes that included dramatic growth in the corporate demand for travel services, as well as extensive restructuring and consolidation within the travel industry—this agency adopted a unique structure for globalization. Rather than expand by attempting to develop its own offices abroad, which would require the development of local travel management expertise sufficient to capture foreign markets, the company solved its globalization dilemma effectively by forging alliances with the best foreign partners it could find. The resulting cooperative alliance of independent agencies now comprise 32 partners spanning 37 countries.

The passage suggests that one of the effects of the deregulation of the airlines was
A.    a decline in the services available to noncommercial traveler
B.    a decrease in the size of the corporate travel market
C.    a sharp increase in the number of cooperative alliances among travel agencies
D.    increased competition in a number of different service industries
E.    the merging of some companies within the travel industry

the answer is E

I chose C

forging alliances doesn't mean merging, so is E correct?
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应该定位到破折号后面的changes that included...

the deregulation of the airlines in 1978 造成的effects有两个:1、dramatic growth in the corporate demand for travel services,
2、extensive restructuring and consolidation within the travel industry

consolidation的意思是to join things together into one=merge,所以选E

后面例子中的agency是上述两个影响的survivor,他不是通过consolidation而是forging alliances而幸存的,所以C选项中的cooperative alliances 其实是克服这些影响获得成功的个例所采取的措施,因此是错的。



航空公司的倒闭 会导致 国际旅游路线可能减少,国际机票价格可能增加,给旅游服务业雪上加霜了,经营环境恶化了,因而导致本地 旅游需求增多和旅游服务公司兼并重组。



C选项之迷惑性太强了。根据原文中的deregulation定位,破折号为对此解释,是答案。其中有两点,分别对应CE,但C中的cooperative alliances among travel agencies和原文的corporate demand for travel services是貌合神离的。C是说旅游业的合作的联盟,而原文是公司对旅游的需求。Corporate和cooperative完全不一样!所以只能选E,consolidation和merging相对应


我觉得C错主要是因为 the company solved its globalization dilemma effectively by forging alliances with the best foreign partners it could find,这只是说了这家旅游公司使用了联盟的形式,文中并没有提到a sharp increase in the number of cooperative alliance



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