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1.1.16 网上销售


1.1.17 stock-keeping units@
还有一个是说近年来出现了一个矛盾现象,就是虽然scanner和其他先进的技术可以使company生产少量的多样化的产品,但还是有越来越多的inventory 不足或过剩的现象。我记得是GWD或者prep里的原题 有印象的人帮忙找一下吧
Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products that sell well and have overstocks of others. The increased incidence in recent years of mismatches between production and demand seems ironic, since point-of-sale scanners have improved data on consumers’ buying patterns and since flexible manufacturing has enabled companies to 24 produce, cost-effectively, small quantities of goods. This type of manufacturing has greatly increased the number of new products introduced annually in the United States. However, frequent introductions of new products have two problematic side effects. For one, they reduce the average lifetime of products; more of them are neither at the beginning of their life (when prediction is difficult) or at the end of their life (when keeping inventory is expensive because the products will soon become obsolete). For another, as new products proliferate, demand is divided among a growing number of stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU’s they sell is difficult.  For example, a company may be able to estimate accurately the aggregate number of shoes it will sell, but it may be uncertain about which specific types of shoes will sell more than other types.
Which of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence in the passage (lines 35-40)?
A.    To cite a situation in which the aggregate demand is more important than the distribution of demand among SKU’s
B.    To refute an assertion about the side effects of flexible manufacturing
C.    To illustrate an assertion about companies’ ability to forecast demand
D.    To provide an example of ways in which companies address the difficulties of forecasting demand
E.    To note an exception to the author’s assertion about distributing demand among SKU’s
The passage suggests which of the following about divided demand among a growing number of SKU’s?
A.    It has increased the average lifetime of products.
B.    It has resulted from retailer’s attempts to predict demand more accurately and avoid both understocks and overstocks.
C.    It has decreased the use of flexible manufacturing by companies.
D.    It has not increased the expense of keeping inventory of certain products.
E.    It has not prevented companies from predicting aggregate demand with some certainty.
According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year?
A.    Reduced average lifetime of products
B.    Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand
C.    More cost-effective ways of keeping inventory for products
D.    Cost-effective production of small quantities of goods
E.    Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s
OA :  D、E、D


1.1.18 顾客坚持己见
1.1.19公司贷款抵押screening effect*
screening effect,就是银行会根据high-cost和low-cost company (project operational cost吧)进行evaluation fee的收取。为了避免high-cost company的搭便车行为,low-cost company可以通过抵押品collateral来向银行传递信号,说自己靠谱。

考古 未确定
  By richardmzq(720)讲为什么公司在贷款时要抵押。整篇完全在讲一个经济模型。

  P1,说银行贷款时往往碰到两类公司,Low-cost 和high-cost(以下简称好和坏)。说了下好公司风险低,借了钱还的概率比较高。但是在实际中,外表上看银行是区分不了这两类公司的。讲的是模型的假设


  P3, 开始讲抵押。好公司为了让自己区分于坏公司,就说提供抵押,因为坏公司项目失败可能性高,自己都没信心所以不愿意给抵押,而好公司相反。 但好公司给抵押也要一定程度的,至少抵押多到坏公司不愿给的程度。



  By SherryBNU(730M51V37)题目1,问了下列哪个说法正确,就是绕来绕去的选项,我选的是坏公司比好公司更有可能进行欺骗性的抵押(我选的好像不是这个)


   bytangsusie说low operating cost 的公司比high operating cost的公司去贷款,bank要evaluation of the firm,还需要charge fees,有一题问bank charge fee的考括号里imply什么,好像是说bank charge fee 的时候要charge company approved不然bank 可以通过charge fee赚钱而且不用真的去evaluation。然后说low operating cost的公司可以通过post colleteral。。我不会拼诶,是不是说抵押的意思?不知道,low cost post colleteral only if 某某某condition,然后说low cost 的公司post Colleteral的风险比high cost低,他们做project成功的概率也高,然后bank就给他们放贷without evaluation。


  考古(未确认,感觉很像) 感谢vincent007

   v1 economist 有一个 hypothetical model, 内容主要说: when firms apply for a bank loan, 他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank 申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation.

  higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will 跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm 弄collateral,而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.

  v2: 关于bank loan的。


   第二段大概是对high cost company 和low cost company借款之前要先evaluation一下,要收费。后来发现,low cost company subsidize the high cost company, 就是低成本的在花费这方面补给了高成本的公司,于是低成本的公司想出了一个办法,那个词挺关键,不过我不认识,记不清了,大概是co什么的。最后一段说 low cost company用这种办法的前提是什么。High cost company为减小这个花费也有一些risk.


   V3 by foxwill low cost公司和 high cost公司的担保问题。机经上貌似没有。主要是讲经济学上一种叫做screening啥玩意的模型。第一段讲假设公司分两种:low cost公司和 high cost,显然high cost偿还银行贷款的能力更弱,银行因此更不愿意把钱贷给他们,所以银行发贷款前要审查;第二段讲审查是要成本的,因此呢,那些low cost公司等于就在补贴 high cost公司了(因为low cost其实是不需要审查的);第三段讲鉴于此,low cost公司就为贷款提供担保,好让银行把他们从 high cost公司里挑出了,而不用审查,避免补贴 high cost公司(这句话有题);第四段讲这个手段为什么有效呢,因为 high cost公司模仿的成本很高——如果他们提供抵押担保的话,他们是很容易还不了债而出去抵押物的。后面的题目不难,找准定位即可。

   V4 by qiuhailing01 economist 有一个 hypothetical model, 内容主要说: when firms apply for a bank loan, 他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank 申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation.

   higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will 跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm 弄collateral(质押),而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.



  (2)high cost firms 在什么情况下会去做质押?


   higher cost firms不容易被approved,while low cost firm更容易被approved,那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will 跟银行弄一个collateral.而collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm 弄collateral(质押),而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行eveluation.

  问题好像有: (1)银行只对批准贷款的公司作风险评估,为什么? (2)high cost firms 在什么情况下会去做质押?

   V5 by carolwting Past collateral.这题我总觉得是以前考过的..但是又想不起来是在哪里了.是说经济学家提出一个假设,假设有两种公司,一种是low operating cost,一种是high operating cost.在为项目申请贷款时候,低的因为成本低,项目成功性大,容易成功.而高的相反.银行为保证他们的贷款,都通常会对申请进行 evaluation.然后第二段就开始说,银行的evaluation是有cost的,为了保证他们的cost可以recoup,他们通常只向贷款成功 的firm收费.而因为低成本公司通过审查的成功率高,因此到头来,他们发现都是低成本的那些公司在为高成本公司的审查买单.第三段,低成本公司为了避免 这种状况,就申请post collateral.(这里我不是特别确定,有点记不太清楚了).有些经济学家就又提出一个观点...(这是一个段内的小观点).第四段就说,这样一 来,申请贷款的公司在银行那里就是一个低成本公司的代名词,从而导致银行的审查不严格或干脆不审了.


比较长,不是很记得了。貌似是stimulate还是什么营销手段inter什么的?manufacturer和retailer有点不一样吧。 manufacturer比较好,又不用怎么花钱有宣传了,retailer的那个不咋地,因为其他的因素会影响,shop的clean什么的。


1.2.        Analysis & Research
1.2.1New Zealand*
1段:说之前表明13世纪才有人到那去,但是一个神马关于老鼠的carbon-date 是AD300年就有了,很多人认为是实验出错了
然后第二段有个人跳出来说刚刚他们也做了同样的实验 发现时1289年的。
最后一段是说反驳之前有人说人类在AD300去了之后导致了鸟和frog的灭绝 这里有考点。问这段的作用
New Zealand's Colonization 1000 Years Later Than Previously Thought?
ScienceDaily (June 4, 2008) — The dating project, in one of the largest studies of its kind, has shown that the country was not visited by humans over 2000 years ago, as some previous research suggests.

An international team of researchers, led by Dr Janet Wilmshurst from Landcare Research, spent 4 years on the project which shows conclusively that the earliest evidence for human colonisation is about 1280-1300 AD, and no earlier. They based their results on new radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones and rat-gnawed seeds. Their results do not support previous radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones which implied a much earlier human contact about 200 BC.
The original old rat bones dates have been hotly debated ever since they were published in Nature in 1996. The ages are controversial because there is no supporting ecological or archaeological evidence for the presence of kiore or humans until 1280-1300 AD and the reliability of the bone dating has been questioned. This is the first time that the actual sites involved in the original study have been re-excavated and analyzed.
Dr Wilmshurst and her team researchers re-excavated and re-dated bones from nearly all of the previously investigated sites. All of their new radiocarbon dates on kiore bones are no older than 1280 AD. This is consistent with other evidence from the oldest dated archaeological sites, Maori whakapapa, widespread forest clearance by fire and a decline in the population of marine and land-based fauna.
“As the Pacific rat or kiore cannot swim very far, it can only have arrived in New Zealand with people on board their canoes, either as cargo or stowaways. Therefore, the earliest evidence of the Pacific rat in New Zealand must indicate the arrival of people” Dr Wilmshurst said.
The dating of the rat bones was also supported by the dating of over a hundred woody seeds, many of which had distinctive tell-tale rat bite marks, preserved in peat and swamp sites from the North and South Islands.
“These rat-gnawed seeds provide strong additional evidence for the arrival of rats, and therefore humans, and are an indirect way of testing the veracity of the dates we have done on rat bones,” said Dr Tom Higham, Deputy Director of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit at Oxford University.
Rats leave rows of narrow grooves or bite marks on woody seed cases when they gnaw open the seed, and these distinctive teeth marks can be seen with the naked eye. “The width of the teeth marks left on the woody seeds exactly match those of a rat's two front teeth, and cannot be mistaken for any other seed predator. We have dated over 100 individual seeds, some rat-gnawed, others intact or bird-cracked, which show that rat gnawed seeds only occur in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand after about 1280 AD”, Dr Wilmshurst said.
With over 165 dates on seeds and bones from a large number of sites, the overwhelming evidence suggests that rats and their human carriers did not reach New Zealand until about 1280 AD.


15. 老鼠实验证明新西兰人的出现时间

By simple874还考到了一篇是讲new zeland的,关于pollution的。大致是先提到以前的研究认为这个地方开始有生物是什么什么时候,第二段说谁在哪儿发现了rat的骨头还是化石好像,总之最后说那个地方有人类有生物被污染是近600年的事(这是到考题)





分两段,第一段说普遍认为XX人是13世纪到的某某地方。但是有一项研究,通过对老鼠什么什么的碳元素定位(这些老鼠是XX人出现才带去的),结果说XX人应该在200 B.C. 就出现了。然后说因为没有任何其他证据可以表明XX人arrive so early, 所以这个数据的得出一定是实验中出了问题。
第二段接下来说recently O科学家也做了个类似的实验,用的也是这些老鼠什么什么,但结果发现出现时间是1280年左右,所以说明了之前那个实验的确有问题。然后接下来又说因为证据表明XX人没那么早出现,所以他们引起的什么森林退化啊物种灭绝啊也没那么早开始。文章不难,一会儿就能看完,题目也还好,就是有一题我纠结了一下,好像是说第一段里面说这个实验有问题的人持什么观点。有一个选项说他的结论是基于O科学家的研究结果。因为O的研究是recently的,而那个观点好像之前就出现了所以我没选。这题每个选项都很陷阱,要推敲一下。

还有一篇是关于类似新西兰人什么时候出现 用的方法是对rat进行实验 第一段是说之前学者根据RAT 认定新西兰人与某某时间出现 但批评者认为实验有误 这个认定是不对的 第二段讲某人对RAT进行了新的实验 得出结论 第三段是讲这个结论还能证明关于新西兰其他某个东西的研究(此处有题)




第 一段:新西兰有被确定说过是13世纪才发现的,但是有carbon dating说有老鼠, which are brought by human beins,的骨头是200.B.C.的,这个结论是1996年得到的,不过人们普遍说这个结论是因为errors added in the lab导致的。

第 二段:某team用更好carbon dating的技术去研究the rat bone found in the same site of 1996 (同一地点,但不是同一个sample,此处有选项),证实了是1280年左右的,和之前的research相符(说明不是一个surprise的发现,
有选项)。In addition, 他们还发现了the oldest site有一些种子是4000年前的,但是那些有一些有老鼠咬痕的咬痕都是1280年的。






A 某team research 很surprise地发现是1280年的(错,因为和之前research 相符)

B 某team 的sample和96年的是一致的

C 96年的research 没看到4000年的种子作为证据…(有可能是另外题里的…)


1.2.2 Jazz musician
做了个新实验 在experience Jass musicians 和inexperience Jass musicians 两组人做的 结果和以前的不一样 解释原因
一段写一种研究jazz musician 的experience 对人的影响
还有 main purpose 题,except题,主旨题。。。


1.2.3 商标
第一段忘了(好像没题,很短),第二段说了一个试验,这个实验分两个组,一组的纸上印上一家和创新很相关的公司的商标,另一组纸上印上 不是很创新的一家公司的商标,结果发现虽然没有告诉被测试者该测试是测试他们的创新力的,但是印有创新公司商标的被测试者普遍表现得更具创新力,因此判断 对人的行为有着潜移默化的影响,最后一段说虽然有这个实验,人们还是不相信他们是被商标影响了



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