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原文At the empirical level Clark shows how a change at the telephone exchange from maintenance-intensive electromechanical switches
to semielectronic switching systems altered work tasks, skills, training opportunities, administration, and organization of workers. Some changes Clark attributes to the particular way management and labor unions negotiated the introduction of the technology, whereas others are seen as arising from the capabilities and nature of the technology itself. Thus Clark helps answer the question: “When is social choice decisive and when are the concrete characteristics of technology more important?”
问题 127. Which of the following statements about Clark’s study of the telephone exchange can be inferred from information in the passage?
(A) Clark’s reason for undertaking the study was to undermine Braverman’s analysis of the function of technology.
(B) Clark’s study suggests that the implementation of technology should be discussed in the context of confl ict between labor and management.
(C) Clark examined the impact of changes in the technology of switching at the exchange in terms of overall operations and organization.
(D) Clark concluded that the implementation of new switching technology was equally benefi cial to management and labor.
(E) Clark’s analysis of the change in switching systems applies only narrowly to the situation at the particular exchange that he studied.
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这篇阅读是我认为og里面最难的一篇 第一次做我就对了2题。。。TAT
好吧 现在我再来重新做一遍!
大致弄懂了现在:本文的main idea 是讲Clark的study(关于tele exchange的现代化对workers和maintenance的effects) 质疑recent sociological.
很明显127题是细节推断题 而文章中跟这题有关的内容在于最后一段。这段话有很多长句子 我看了好久才略微明白有些句子的意思。
文中从“从经验层面,Clark展示了tele exchange由XX转变到XX怎样改变了work tasks一系列的东东
答案的C选项Clark 检验了changes in the tech 。。。对overall operation and organization方面的影响(应该指的是work tasks那一些列的东东)
仔细看看 是不是C和原文的一致的呢?


这么分析说得通,我开始把重点放在了operations and organization上面,想了好半天了



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