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about GWD-11-31


People with a certain eye disorder are virtually unable to see in moderately bright light, which seems to them unbearably intense, since the cells of their retinas are overwhelmed by moderately bright light. These people do, however, show normal sensitivity to most components of dim light. Their retinal cells are also not excessively sensitive to red components of moderately bright light.

The information above best supports which of the following hypotheses about people with the disorder described, if they have no other serious visual problems?

In all moderately dim light in which people without the disorder can read large print, people with the disorder cannot read such print.

In an otherwise darkened concert hall, these people will see a dimly illuminated red exit sign more clearly than small dim white lights that mark the aisles.

These people typically see more acutely at night and in dim light than do most people who do not have the disorder.

Eyeglasses that are transparent to red components of light but filter out other components of light help these people see in moderately bright light.

These people perceive colors other than red in the same way as do most people who do not have the disorder.

why the answer is D?? thanks
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1. 不能承受正常亮光。2. 在昏暗亮光下与正常人无异。3. 在正常亮光下对红色感光不强。




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