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一道OG 上的62题,对D 项的理解。

62.Which of the following best completes the passage below?
At a recent conference on environmental threats to the North Sea, most participating countries favored uniform controls on the quality of effluents, whether or not specific environmental damage could be attributed to a particular source of effluent. What must, of course, be shown, in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls, is that------------.
(A)any uniform controls that are adopted are likely to be implemented without delay
(B)any substance to be made subject to controls can actually cause environmental damage
(C)the countries favoring uniform controls are those generating the largest quantities of effluents
(D)all of an given pollutant that is to be controlled actually reaches the North Sea at present
(E)environmental damaged already inflicted on the North Sea is reversible

B 没有问题。D 我觉得也可以。为什么不行,请给解释一下。
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我是这样理解的: 原文中说明了:in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls 就是为了防止过度的限制! 而D中只是说明了:这些被限制的污染物都是能够达到北海的。 我们并不知道:这些被限制的污染物,是否真的对环境产生了污染而应该受到限制,还是由于excessively restrictive controls而导致。 所以,我觉得D不妥。 讨论.........



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