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Leaders of a miners’ union on strike against Coalco are contemplating additional measures to pressure the company to accept the union’s contract proposal. The union leaders are considering as their principal new tactic a consumer boycott against Gasco gas stations, which are owned by Energy Incorporated, the same corporation that owns Coalco.

Answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly relevant to the union leaders’ consideration of whether attempting a boycott of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?

(A) Would revenue losses by Gasco seriously affect Energy Incorporated?

(B) Can current Gasco customers easily obtain gasoline elsewhere?

(C) Have other miners’ unions won contracts similar to the one proposed by this union?

(D) Have other unions that have employed a similar tactic achieved their goals with it?

(E) Do other corporations that own coal companies also own gas stations?

问题是:选择选项中与boycott of Gasco 是否能 lead to acceptance of their contract proposal 最不相关的一项,E固然部队,可是B仅考虑了boycott的可行性,与acceptance of their contract proposal 也不相关啊。

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但是E選項,如果沒有其他集團是有一家做coal也做gas的,難道這次罷工就不進行下去了嗎,反過來說,如果真有其他集團是又做 coal也做gas 的,就保證他們的罷工能成功嗎,這肯定是最不相關的選項



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