第一篇 商业R&E战略
第二篇 商品assortment(长,不难)
Grocery retailers have been informed that, to remain competitive, they must reduce the number of stockkeeping units (SKUs) offered, in line with consumer demand, or, in other words, adopt "Efficient Assortment." Retailers have resisted this principle on the basis of a fear that eliminating items would lower consumer assortment perceptions and decrease the likelihood of store choice. In two studies, the authors examine how consumers form assortment perceptions in the face of SKU reduction with a particular emphasis on two heuristic cues: ①the availability of a favorite product and ②the amount of shelf space devoted to the category. Results indicate that retailers might be able to make substantive reductions in the number of items carried without negatively affecting assortment perceptions and store choice, as long as only low-preference items are eliminated and category space is held constant. Thus, the potential risk inherent in item reduction might be more limited than initially thought. 这是我自己复习时在网上找的,大家理解大意,原理和考试中文章一模一样
1p 商家不敢减少assortment,怕顾客发现了旧光顾的少
3p介绍这样为什么好,不仅不会引起顾客群体很大的流失,反而让大家看到受欢迎的产品多而精,更愿意光顾。即使有少量客源流失,但真正sale增加和,assortment reduce降低的成本证明还是值得这样做的。
4p 5p最后简单收个尾,说当然减少货物品种是更复杂的过程,也需要审慎调查之类之类,无关紧要
主旨——给出evidence证实这种策略likely to success(我很确定)
细节:以下哪种做法实施最后可能成功 选E,前半句每个选项都一样,都是把空的货架填上和减少的商品相同的一种/多种。。。主要看最后是半句是而不使顾客注意到assortment的减少(确定)
第三篇 鸟类对灾难的预测(没有第二篇长,也不难)
1p 在一个地方2月一直是气候stable的夏天,但是某日发生的一件事,误导了当地对天气很了解的当地人。这件事就是seabird鸟群突然一窝蜂的从coast往内陆飞(这个很重要,我会讲清楚)。 结果一个多小时后发生地震揭示了这个现象。举了两个其它历史上发生的果的类似事件:鸟类异常行为——〉地震
2p 那么就假设(有两种猜测),要么鸟群是感知到了微震(人感知不到),要么是。。。(忘了)。但如果是鸟群感知道了微震,就会知道有地震危险,不会向内陆飞,而是远离危险,应该向海上飞.那么这是为什么呢?解释说可是这样的,鸟群错误的把感知到的什么什么当成了indicator of storm,他们以为暴风雨来了,所以远离大海,往内路飞。(这段要看清楚,我说得已经八九不离十了)
3p 举了3-4个动物预测地震的例子,中国发现鸭子不下水,哪发现鸡不回笼等等。最后一句话总结,说这么多动物都能感知,可能还是大气中电子什么阐释了微妙的变化。
文中所有例子都提到了什么 A wildlife E birds 我选的鸟,大家上考场再扫一眼
第四篇 爱尔兰女性
另外给大家提供些资料,我在网上找的,我这次看JJ不像以前注意细节和答案,而是根据专有词汇定位,自己上网看文章,一方面补了背景知识,阔了知识面,同时练了阅读,受益匪浅!!而且感觉出题方向就是美国的Journal,这期刊分很多类 自然科技人文管理商业上面的论文ETS随便摘一段就考了,以前有XDJM照得像四度很高的文章也大多是从这里出的~
1 cost disease成本病
2 杜波斯的black reconstruction
Black Reconstruction in America is a book by W.E.B. Du Bois, first published in 1935. It is revisionist approach to looking at the Reconstruction of the south after its defeat in the American civil war. Since Du Bois was known for his Marxism, it is not surprising that this book takes a Marxist approach to looking at reconstruction. The essential argument of the text is that the Black and White laborers, who are the proletariat无产阶级, were divided after the civil war on the lines of race, and as such were unable to stand together against the white propertied class, the bourgeoisie中产阶级. This to Du Bois was the failure of reconstruction and the reason for the rise of the Jim Crow laws, and other such injustices.
While Dubois’ sociological analysis of reconstruction is clearly directed into the support of his Marxist ideology; Dubois’ historical scholarship and use of the techniques of primary source data research on the post war political economy of the former Confederate States’ was ground breaking. He performed the first systematic and rigorous analysis of the political economy of the reconstruction period of the southern states; based upon actual data collected during period.
Du Bois was castigated for failing to use archival resources, an impossibility for a Black historian studying the South where Jim Crow segregation made such research utopian. In Black Reconstruction, Du Bois has written a history that utilizes Marxism as a political framework for understanding and explaining the history of Black oppression within the United States. Moreover, in total command of Marxist dialectics, Du Bois connected the oppression and exploitation of Black slaves and then Black freedmen to the development of U.S. capitalism and the rise of American imperial domination.
Du Bois moves African Americans from the margins of American history and places them at the center of a global struggle for emancipation of the oppressed and exploited.
q1 原文的目的:混淆选项是新的证据证明这个文明结构reform非常短,还是说文章是用novelty科学技术证实了一个地区的历史;另一个选项是说,文章证实了口述者的话,并让人们对于某个地区的了解更正确了
q2 serve one generation的作用。
q3 原文暗示了什么?这个塔primarily是物品的交换和集合地."这个水生植物被装饰到塔得时候还是活的,when harvest time."
Protohistoric Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the  acific.
Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named  i'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating.
In the new work,  atrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction. Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 1638 A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 1638 A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure.
Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians.
2 杜波斯的black reconstruction
Black Reconstruction in America is a book by W.E.B. Du Bois, first published in 1935. It is revisionist approach to looking at the Reconstruction of the south after its defeat in the American civil war. Since Du Bois was known for his Marxism, it is not surprising that this book takes a Marxist approach to looking at reconstruction. The essential argument of the text is that the Black and White laborers, who are the proletariat无产阶级, were divided after the civil war on the lines of race, and as such were unable to stand together against the white propertied class, the bourgeoisie中产阶级. This to Du Bois was the failure of reconstruction and the reason for the rise of the Jim Crow laws, and other such injustices.
While Dubois’ sociological analysis of reconstruction is clearly directed into the support of his Marxist ideology; Dubois’ historical scholarship and use of the techniques of primary source data research on the post war political economy of the former Confederate States’ was ground breaking. He performed the first systematic and rigorous analysis of the political economy of the reconstruction period of the southern states; based upon actual data collected during period.
Du Bois was castigated for failing to use archival resources, an impossibility for a Black historian studying the South where Jim Crow segregation made such research utopian. In Black Reconstruction, Du Bois has written a history that utilizes Marxism as a political framework for understanding and explaining the history of Black oppression within the United States. Moreover, in total command of Marxist dialectics, Du Bois connected the oppression and exploitation of Black slaves and then Black freedmen to the development of U.S. capitalism and the rise of American imperial domination.
Du Bois moves African Americans from the margins of American history and places them at the center of a global struggle for emancipation of the oppressed and exploited.
q1 原文的目的:混淆选项是新的证据证明这个文明结构reform非常短,还是说文章是用novelty科学技术证实了一个地区的历史;另一个选项是说,文章证实了口述者的话,并让人们对于某个地区的了解更正确了
q2 serve one generation的作用。
q3 原文暗示了什么?这个塔primarily是物品的交换和集合地."这个水生植物被装饰到塔得时候还是活的,when harvest time."
Protohistoric Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the  acific.
Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named  i'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating.
In the new work,  atrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction. Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 1638 A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 1638 A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure.
Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians.