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Some historians contend that con-

ditions in the United States during the

Second World War gave rise to a

dynamic wartime alliance between

(5)    trade unions and the African American

community, an alliance that advanced

the cause of civil rights.
They con-

clude that the postwar demise权利的让渡 of this

vital alliance constituted a lost oppor-

tunity for the civil rights movement that

followed the war.
Other scholars,

however, have portrayed organized

labor as defending all along the rela-

tively privileged position of White

workers relative to African American

workers. Clearly, these two perspec-

tives are not easily reconcilable, but

the historical reality is not reducible

to one or the other.一种理论说工会和黑人工人妥协,另一种理论说工会一直在维护白人工人的特权地位。这两种理论无法轻易调和,但是历史事实和这两种理论也都无法调和。


Unions faced a choice between

either maintaining the prewar status

quo or promoting a more inclusive

approach that sought for all members

the right to participate in the internal

affairs of unions, access to skilled

and high-paying positions within the

occupational hierarchy, and protec-

tion against management’s arbitrary

authority in the workplace.

union representatives often voiced

this inclusive ideal, in practice unions

far more often favored entrenched确立的

The accelerating develop-

ment of the civil rights movement

following the Second World War

exacerbated恶化 the unions’ dilemma,

forcing trade unionists to confront

contradictions in their own practices.Q7:According to the passage, the historians mentioned in line 1 and the scholars mentioned in line 11 disagree about the

A      contribution made by organized labor to the war effort during the Second World War

B      issues that union members considered most important during the Second World War

C      relationship between unions and African Americans during the Second World War

D      effect of the Second World War on the influence of unions in the workplace

E      extent to which African Americans benefited from social and political changes following the Second World War



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I think it should be C
B will be acceptable if the statement changes into "issues that union members considered most important AFTER the WWII."


I chose C too. Don't know why the answer is B?




support C. after I saw the answer B, I read the paragraph triple

times and still think C is better. "According to the passage" means we

can find it directly from the paragraph, I can not find answer b.




这篇文章是 Prep 的Essay 4,这道题的答案是C!





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