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In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities.


Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:

(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry.

(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.

(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by LACE w:st="on">LondonLACE>.

(D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.

(E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around LACE w:st="on">LondonLACE> reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.


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E对的原因是原文给的证据是seen的BIRDS增加,而结论需要的是鸟actual increase 。E填补这个GAP。A错在almost entirely 。原文需要的假设只要工业导致鸟大量减少就行,不需要AIR POLLUTION几乎都是工业造成的。比如有些非来源于工业的污染,虽污染空气,但只要不会使鸟大量减少,则是允许的.


我承认A项的almost entirely在程度上是有问题,但是我还是难以理解为什么要假设E项。lawyer说结论需要的是鸟actual increase,然而在原题中没有任何地方能够看出这一点。

首先题干里面说因为今年来对当地工业的控制,看起来鸟的种类显著增加(此处没说鸟的种类actual increase)。然后紧接着结论说相似的措施应该在其它主要城市实施。请注意这里也并没有表明目的是要鸟actual increase,尽管我们能理解实施这些措施的目的应该是实际上的增加,但是在原题中并没有说(试想如果是个conclusion的题,我们能得出其它城市的目的是要鸟actual increase吗?)。按原题的推理,其它城市也应该这样做是为了达到和伦敦一样的效果,然而伦敦到底只是看上去增加了还是实际上确实增加了,题目中并没有关心这个问题。所以我不认为需要这样一个前提来填补这个gap,因为这个gap并不存在。

Anyway, the answer is A. Sign~~~



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