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[转帖]10.26 Taipei N戰AT, 一點jj回饋

AT分數不是很高, 不要見笑~~只想回饋JJ (670, V:30, M:50)

自從8月考個580以來, 我複習的時間不多, 直到1015我才開始定下心, 而距離考試只剩2週了, 最後一週才開始做數學--只做到300, GWD8, 中間好幾次都想放棄考, 因為我準備得不好不夠, 考了也只是浪費錢罷了. , 還是去考了.

這是我不知道第n次考AT, 雖然這次考的分數不是很理想, 可是對於我在考場的表現, 我已經很滿意了. 因為我數學好幾題都不會用猜的, verbal考到一半的時候, 考場因為坐的地方離門口非常近, 監考人員講話講的很大聲讓我無法專心, 而開始慌了, 後面20verbal幾乎都用猜的, 很多題也不知所云, 腦中一片空白無法思考, 當我看到最後11題只剩10分鐘, 簡直是焦慮到極點, 心想完蛋了!!又跟前幾次一樣, 緊張到有點歇斯底里, 我還是無法克服我心中的惡魔—“緊張大師”, 我還是無法輕鬆的面對考試! 這次可能又只能考個500多分….最後想要點click答案的時候, !..竟然11秒只剩3, Times up! 還有三題沒做完…天阿~~

其實我對於考AT一直有恐慌症, 每次考試都緊張到無法思考, 考了好幾次550, 580之類的分數,後來實在很想放棄, 直到8月考完再來個580, 信心完全崩潰之下, 有幸請教到一個AT history情況跟我很類似的CDJasmine, 在此很謝謝他, 鼓勵我繼續堅持下去, 當時他給了我一個很關鍵性的建議, 後來受惠良多, 我覺得要說出來, 他說他從570700分只做了一件不一樣的事, 就是每天早上陪他父親念經, 當時覺得不可思議, 因為我不太信的, 但想想, 念念經搞不好可以讓自己平靜一些, 所以就拿了觀世音菩薩大悲咒放在書桌前, 但沒翻開(擺著讓自己心安吧~).之前TOEFL因為一直考得不順, 223-237-240-247-243始終考不過250, 越努力念分數考越低, 最高247那一次反而2個月都沒碰toefl~~ 這次想說9月最後一次CBT, 就考考看吧, 就不念吧!920幾終於訂到9.29最後一天下午的考場, 結果210-263, 我嚇了一大跳, 因為聽力我都用猜的, reading看到第一篇就想放棄不想考了, 以為掉入低分題庫---文章實在太短太簡單了!(跟過去240的文章難易比起來). 神奇的在後面, 我作文只有5.5可是總成績出來是range的最高分…經過這次經驗, 我就打開大悲咒開始念, 結果我先生也順利申請到國家獎學金(本來也不可能申請到的), 這次我AT狀況不好下竟然考到670, 真的在此感謝觀世音菩薩....不好意思, 講太多有點離題了, 在此澄清.我是沒有什麼宗教信仰的, 我只是想把自己的親身經歷告訴大家, 希望也許可以幫助到一些人.

Verbal jj

SC: 印象記不得了, 最後為了趕時間憑感覺矇猜所以沒啥印象. 前面三題都不會很難. 記得有allow…”to” 還有另一題see “to be” 還是see…”as”


有一題是說在supermarket 的水果含的pesticidecommercially market(反正就是supermarket commercial 賣場在比較就對了), 所以專家鼓勵婦女去supermarket買水果, 問支持? 我選A. 婦女在處理水果的過程中會削皮, pesticide都在皮裡面.

另一題有關嬰兒的忘了, 以下是jj

12. The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years.  This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined.  The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.

A. Money collected from property taxes provided most of Altonville’s revenue during the past four years.
B. The percentage of Altonville’s overall revenue that was collected from property taxes did not change over the past four years.
C. Altonville officials had proposed raising property tax rates during the past four years but never did so because of strong opposition from property owners.
D. The total amount of revenue that Altonville has collected from property taxes has declined over the past four years.
E. During the past four years, Altonville officials also did not increase tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales or business profits.


Charcoal from a hearth site in Colorado, 2,000 miles south of Alaska, is known to be 11,200 years old.  Researchers reasoned that, since glaciers prevented human migration south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, humans must have come to the Americas more than 18,000 years ago.



Which of the following pieces of new evidence would cast doubt on the conclusion drawn above?



  1. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was determined that the charcoal from the Colorado site was at least 11,400 years old.

  2. Another campsite was found in New Mexico with remains dated at 16,000 years old.

  3. A computer simulation of glacial activity showed that it would already have been impossible for humans to travel south overland from Alaska 18,500 years ago.

  4. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was proved that an ice-free corridor allowed passage south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge at least 11,400 years ago.

  5. Studies of various other hunting-gathering populations showed convincingly that, once the glaciers allowed passage, humans could have migrated from Alaska to Colorado in about 20 years.

47.Dolls是个图书连锁销售商;A地的点去年revenue增长10%,B地去年增长8%;然而B地却拥有最大的销售增长,问为什么?jj大牛选:因为B在一个大学旁边,有很高的销售量; 但我選的不是這個答案, 因為這題我覺得答案應該是跟比例與總數之間的關係,答案每個看起來都不像有直接的關係,不好選,最後我選E,但忘了選項內容是啥,對不起大家~~

102 一个公司在一个很偏远的地方建PLANT,用当地的COAL. 该公司必须把电卖给远超过当地人的其他地方,否则收不回成本.虽然运输费用极高,但是公司还是相信会赚钱.


1. 建筑师和客户的冲突

Q1. 建筑师和用户二者的concern有什么不同,选sacrifice the creativity to 实用的那个选项

Q2. 问建筑师在画好蓝图后会怎么样, 我選答案是類似同義review it to make sure whether it reflects the client's expectation.

Q3. 最后一句话的是为了1. 回答第一段的提出的问题2)给第二段中的方法做补充3)我選的是为避免发生第二段里涉及的问题提出建议

2. 关于企业要不要跟进新污染处理方法 Q4.传统观点认为企业更新环保设备带来什么。(这个答案是E:只增加成本,不带来竞争力)

3. 现代企业提高服务质量

這篇是我第三篇,  看看還剩11題卻只有10分鐘剩下不多時間了我已慌了….

Q1. 作者认为传统企业的特征。答案我印象中的是A) based on customer’s requirement  B).xxxx   C). commitment to the deadline D). repair and maintenance  E). Redesign the customer’s requirement    我選C,不知對不對

Q2. “ the company of present”指什么? 這題答案我覺得很難

4. 动物群居和警惕性的关系 (最後一篇, 還剩85分鐘….所以亂猜一通)

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