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OG 紫色 CR---5

Which of the following best completes the passage below?


Established companies concentrate on defending what they already have. Consequently, they tend not to be innovative themselves and tend to underestimate the effects of the innovations of others. The clearest example of this defensive strategy is the fact that___.


A. ballpoint pens and soft-tip markers have eliminated the traditional market for fountain pens, clearing the way for the marketing of fountain pens as luxury or prestige items

B. a highly successful automobile was introduced by the same company that had earlier introduced a model that had been a dismal failure

C. a once-successful manufacturer of slide rules reacted to the introduction of electronic calculators by trying to make better slide rules

D. one of the first models of modern accounting machines, designed for use in the banking industry, was purchased by a public library as well as by banks

E. the inventor of a commonly used anesthetic did not intend the product to be used by dentists, who currently account for almost the entire market for that drug.

这道题不是很明白,为什么C是 defensive strategy 哪位好心人帮忙看看 !

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1.      成功的公司

2.      只在原有的成功领域发展,不会作创新:关键观察在选项中「原有」「成功经验」



A.     ballpoint pens and soft-tip markers是成功没错,但消灭别人的市场另创市场代表跨到别人的领域,不是在自己既有的领域,所以排除此选项。

B.     一家公司发明a highly successful automobile,但是之前的model型号失败代表不在原有成功范围中,所以排除。

C.    一家原本已经成功的计算尺slide rules公司,为了继续更好的计算尺(只在原有的成功领域发展)所以引进 electronic calculators

D.    一个很新的 modern accounting machines,被设计来给银行业用,被公用图书馆也买了一台。

E.     原本的麻药不是要给牙医用的。


hi,summersmiles, I'm sorry that I can not agree with you

"Consequently, they tend not to be innovative themselves and tend to underestimate the effects of the innovations of others"

a once-successful manufacturer of slide rules reacted to the introduction of electronic calculators by trying to make better slide rules

here, react should be "act against or in opposition to"

you may check the dictionary





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