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In Argonia the average rate drivers pay for car accident insurance is regulated to allow insurance companies to make a reasonable profit. Under the regulations, the rate any individual driver pays never depends on the actual distance driven by that driver each year. Therefore, Argonians who drive less than average partially subsidize the insurance of those who drive more than average. The conclusion above would be properly drawn if it were also true that in Argonia (A) the average accident insurance rate for all drivers rises whenever a substantial number of new drivers buy insurance (B) the average cost to insurance companies of insuring drivers who drive less than the annual average is less than the average cost of insuring drivers who drive more than the annual average (C) the lower the age of a driver, the higher the insurance rate paid by that driver (D) Insurance company profits would rise substantially if drivers were classified in terms of the actual number of miles they drive each year (E) Drivers who have caused insurance companies to pay costly claims generally pay insurance rates that are equal to or lower than those paid by other drivers


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以下是引用kuuiytt在2005-3-14 13:17:00的发言:

In Argonia the average rate drivers pay for car accident insurance is regulated to allow insurance companies to make a reasonable profit. Under the regulations, the rate any individual driver pays never depends on the actual distance driven by that driver each year. Therefore, Argonians who drive less than average partially subsidize the insurance of those who drive more than average. The conclusion above would be properly drawn if it were also true that in Argonia

(A) the average accident insurance rate for all drivers rises whenever a substantial number of new drivers buy insurance

(B) the average cost to insurance companies of insuring drivers who drive less than the annual average is less than the average cost of insuring drivers who drive more than the annual average

(C) the lower the age of a driver, the higher the insurance rate paid by that driver

(D) Insurance company profits would rise substantially if drivers were classified in terms of the actual number of miles they drive each year

(E) Drivers who have caused insurance companies to pay costly claims generally pay insurance rates that are equal to or lower than those paid by other drivers


(B) the average cost to insurance companies of insuring drivers who drive less than the annual average is less than the average cost of insuring drivers who drive more than the annual average

才弄明白:这里的 cost 指的是 insurance companies 用以支付 insuring drivers 驾驶而产生的保险赔偿开支,是指 insurance companies 支付给事故中被 insuring drivers 撞的车辆的车主或行人的赔偿,或其它罚款;并不是指 insuring drivers 支付给 insurance companies 的保险费(在文中是 insurance rates)。





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