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1. Studies have shown that companies that present seminars on workplace safety to their employees actually have higher rates of workplace accidents than companies that do no present such seminars to their employees. Despite this finding, it is still in the best interests of companies and their employees for companies to present these seminars.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the argument that the companies should continue to present these seminars:

a. Companies that present workplace safety seminars to their employees are likely to be in manufacturing industries or segments of the service sector that present more opportunities for workplace accidents than the average company.

b. A fast-food chain determined that the rate of workplace accidents remained the same at its franchises after all employees had viewed a 30-minute workplace safety video.

c. Workers are ultimately responsible for their own safety, and no amount of workplace education can alter their behaviour.

d. A business research institute determined that workplace accidents reduce the productivity of manufacturing businesses by as much as 8% per year.

e. Many companies mistakenly believe that presenting workplace safety seminars to their employees relieves the company of legal liability in the event that employees are injured on the job.

答案选 A  

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(A) 那些present workplace safety seminars 的公司不是一般公司,他們剛好也是more opportunities for workplace accidents 的公司,或許要是這些公司沒有safety seminar其accident可能會更高。






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