1. How can your online presence bedefined - Polished? Controversial? Positive? Questionable? Accurate? Are youusing your online presence as a vehicle to manage your personal brand?
These are things to be considering, not just as you are going through theapplication process to B-school, but also as you will be navigating a futurejob search where corporate recruiters and hiring managers may also beevaluating your online presence. 由于现在社交网络越来越发达,所以MBA的面试官和将来你找工作时候也会越来越注重你在社交网络上的形象。
Your online presence includes but is not limited to LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Blogs, Google+, Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, andeven entities like “Beat the GMAT” – basically anyplace where you can beindividually identified within an online space. 这些社交网络包括大大小小只要能合你对的上的帐号行为。
2. So, you may be wondering - does this even matter? How common is it for the Adcomto turn to social media, to research a prospective candidate? Increasingly so,according to a recent Kaplan survey…
• 27% of B-school Admissionsofficers have performed an Internet Search on an applicant • 22% ofB-school Admissions officers have visited an applicant’s FB page • 14% ofB-school Admissions officers found something online that negatively impacted anapplicant’s candidacy 大家也能从数据上看到27%的商学院都会去网上搜索你的名字。
And this compares with less than 10% of Admissions officersusing social media to learn more about candidates just 5 years ago.
In the research study (as well as my conversations withcolleagues at other top B-schools) review of a candidate through onlineresources and social media is usually “case by case” rather than systematicallyreviewed for every applicant.
3. What comes up when you do a “Google Search” of yourselfand what types of information am I sharing over social media? You need to askyourself, “Would I be proud if my grandparents or the head of my company saw mein this light? Is it showing the real “you”? There is a fine line between being yourself and decidingwhat information you are sharing publicly. There are many ways for “private”social media details to still show up publicly through “tags” – be careful!
4. So here's the big question, can what you say or show oversocial media really hurt your admission outcome?
While it may not a systematic part of most B-school’s admissions review process, ifnegative or concerning information comes to light, it will probably call intoquestion your judgment in decision making and extend into concerns of how youwould present yourself to future corporate recruiters or alumni. Our studentsand alumni become the "brand" of the school and we want to enrollindividuals who will represent the brand well! 不好的网上形象当然不会马上把你拒绝, 但是肯定会让面试官有一种新的考量。
You are probably wondering - what is the impetus that causesthe Adcom to review a candidates social media profile(s) and just asimportantly what are they looking for? - Good & Bad? In most cases, it isprobably substantiating positive OR negative information that may have beengained through the application itself, the admissions interview, or a campusvisit. It might be information you provided to the Adcom, or information thatwas given through a student or alumni interaction about you as a candidate. Wetypically try to operate on giving the "benefit of the doubt" but ifthe concerns are serious, then we may go digging for more information.
5. So, what are the "red flag" items that wouldcause concern with your online profile/presence? Some may seem obvious, butthese items are general examples from several schools who provided specificcandidate situations... • Highly obscene language • Openly disparaging orinappropriate comments about another individual or group of people within apublic forum or your own online space • Photos or posts that celebrateor show a candidate engaging in illegal or unethical activities • Anything that would beconsidered a significant lapse in judgment • Commentary that openlycriticizes the B-school to which you have applied. Ultimately, if you feel sostrongly against a school, please withdraw your candidacy BEFORE you make suchcomments! 以上仅为一些参考。
6 So, there are some things you can control with your onlinepresence and others that you cannot. Where to start? Do an inventory of what others might see if theywere to search for you. Are there changes needed? How can you put your"best foot forward" during the application/admissions processrealizing this is an extension of you as a person and as a professionalbusiness person. There are so many examples in the news media of peoplebeing fired for a twitter comment or other lapse of judgment - remember thatwhat you say and do online can and may be viewed by many! 对于申请者我们的建议如下: 首先查一下可能那些地方可能学校会有兴趣查到, 然后自己审查一下自己上传的内容, 当然也可以找几个新人的朋友帮你提提建议,我们不建议你放弃使用社交网站, 相反我们希望看到你的性格但是也需要适当注意自己的形象。
You may want to get feedback from a trusted friend, professional mentor or familymember about what to include/not include. There is a part of your personalitythat should shine through in your social media posts and online presence andyou don't want to lose this. I would never suggest abandoning social media, Imerely would encourage you to make smart decisions on where, when and how touse it. |