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B/F 还是很难,那位nn能不能帮忙分析一下这道题。谢谢。


Historian: Newton developed mathematical concepts and techniques that are fundamental to modern calculus. Leibniz developed closely analogous concepts and techniques. It has traditionally been thought that these discoveries were independent. Researchers have, however, recently discovered notes of Leibniz’ that discuss one of Newton’s books on mathematics. Several scholars have argued that since the book includes a presentation of Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques, and since the notes were written before Leibniz’ own development of calculus concepts and techniques, it is virtually certain that the traditional view is false. A more cautious conclusion than this is called for, however. Leibniz’ notes are limited to early sections of Newton’s book, sections that precede the ones in which Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques are presented.

In the historian’s reasoning, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?

The first provides evidence in support of the overall position that the historian defends; the second is evidence that has been used to support an opposing position. The first provides evidence in support of the overall position that the historian defends; the second is that position. The first provides evidence in support of an intermediate conclusion that is drawn to provide support for the overall position that the historian defends; the second provides evidence against that intermediate conclusion. The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion that the historian criticizes; the second is evidence offered in support of the historian’s own position. The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion that the historian criticizes; the second is further information that substantiates that evidence.

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这段大概意思是,大多数人认为N和L写的这个concept是独立的。然而有些历史学家认为不独立,since L的书里包括了N的概念,since且这个笔记是在L写书之前的(第一个boldface)。However,L书里所引用的只是N早期书的一部分,这些早期书是在N建立这个理论之前的(第二个boldface)。





1。原文:。。。。it is virtually certain that the traditional view is false(中间结论)。A more cautious conclusion than this is called for(总结论)(为什麽要说需要更谨慎的下结论呢,下面提出证据)。。。。


3。it is virtually certain that the traditional view is false不是历史学家的最终结论,因为后面的证据和该结论不一致。而且下面一句话(需要再谨慎的结论)也反映历史学家并不满足该结论。

4。C选项用词很考究。用AGAINST(having an unfavourable effect on),不用OPPOSING(反对)。前者表示第二个黑体句子和中间结论不一致。正是这两个不一致的证据,才需要更谨慎的下结论(最终结论)


position that the historian defends意思为历史学家支持的观点。conclusion that the historian criticizes意思为历史学家反对的观点



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