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OG 120

I can not understand the last sentence of explanation in OG 120:

C and E might be viewed as less unfair than the proposed funding from bredge tolls, but it gives no reason for regarding the bredge tolls as anything but unfair.

I chose C

can someone help me?

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不好意思,麻烦了。原题在此: 120. Which of the following, if true, would provide the authority with the strongest counter to the objection that its plan is unfair? (A) Even with the proposed toll increase, the average bridge toll in the tristate region would remain less than the tolls charged in neighboring states. (B) Any attempt to finance the improvements by raising rail fares would result in a decrease in ridership and so would be self-defeating. (C) Automobile commuters benefit from well-maintained bridges, and in the tristate region bridge maintenance is funded out of general income tax revenues to which both automobile and rail commuters contribute. (D) The roads along the route served by the rail line are highly congested and drivers benefit when commuters are diverted from congested roadways to mass transit. (E) The only alternative way of funding the proposed improvements now being considered is through a regional income tax surcharge, which would affect automobile commuters and rail commuters alike.



The plan is called unfair because it forces drivers to pay for something from which they receive no benefit.
Choice D, however, claims that drivers would receive a benefit: a decrease in traffic congestion on the roads
along the rail line. Choice D thereby strongly counters the charge of unfairness and is thus the best answer.
The charge of unfairness is not countered by indicating that the amounts involved are relatively low (choice A),
or that a seemingly fair funding alternative is unworkable (choice B). Income tax funding as described in choices
C and E might be viewed as less unfair than the proposed funding from bridge tolls, but it gives no reason for
regarding the bridge tolls as anything but unfair.


呵呵,虽然没有给原体的题干,还是猜了一下。ABD你都明白了吧,CE就是说虽然这两个选项看起来并没有那么unfair, 但是并没有针对brige tolls 's unfair 进行辩驳。而D直接辩驳了, 说了rail line 到底和auto driver 有啥关系, 干啥要用他们的钱。不知明白没?







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