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  很清楚记得最后一段说,预期反对,有两个人观点与文中不同,但这两个人的观点都有一些错误,其中一个人忽略了什么(用得fail to..),另一个人虽然表面上说什么什么,但这个人的例子都是支持文中反对他自己的观点的(就是他自己的例子与他自己的观点不符合)。最后一段有题。


21. 服务业妇女就业
有个很长四段的。第一段就提出一个最近有研究表明这个妇女就业一般less payment,和 low 地位在工业等啥行业。问题来了,服务业妇女就业人数增多,会不会使这种状况改变呢。然后说现在有三个scenario。第二段讲一种scenario。什么open..持肯定态度。第三段第二个scenario,也是有个名词,不记得了,但是不许深究的。虽然说肯定了第一个scenario这样子。但是更focus(这里出来题)..第三个好像完全持否定态度。但是作者结尾处举了个事实然否定了这个观点(这个地方也出题了)




23.shell mound(直接看类似物吧,狗主人的回忆太乱了)
Old Boundaries and New Horizons: The Weipa Shell Mounds Reconsidered.
Based on Bailey's research it is clear that the mounds are commonly composed of over 90% of the cockle shell, Anadara granosa, a claim that is partially supported by my own recent fieldwork on mound groups on the north Mission River (Morrison 2001. See Figure 1). Mounds have been noted to occur in a variety of locations including within mangrove forests, on exposed sand dunes and beach ridges, but more commonly on the fringes of Eucalyptus tetradonta woodlands and on open samphire plains and saltpans. In terms of their physical nature, the mounds range from as low as 0.20 m in height through to massive, almost monumental ridges of shell several hundred metres long and up to 13 metres high. More commonly mounds are around 2-6 metres in height, and occur as parts of clusters containing up to 15 other mounds.
Bailey has consistently argued that shell mounds were the result of small groups of people exploiting the local environment on a yearly basis during the late wet season He suggested that these groups deposited shell in mounds in order to provide themselves with dry campsites that were above the waterlogged or flooded ground common in coastal areas during the late wet season. He believed that mound distribution was determined by the desire of people to camp as close as possible to the resources they were using. However, it was the way these groups adapted to prevailing environmental conditions that influenced precisely where they would camp. For example, he hypothesised that if the weather was windy and stormy people would retreat to shell mounds that were slightly more inland, on the fringes of the Eucalyptus tetradonta woodlands. Conversely, during fine weather these groups would move out onto the saltpans and coastal plains, occupying mounds closer to the resources they were exploiting.


Two opposing scenarios, the “arboreal” hypothesis and the “cursorial” hypothesis, have traditionally been put forward concerning the origins of bird flight. The “arboreal” hypothesis holds that bird ancestors began to fly by climbing trees and gliding down from branches with the help of incipient feathers: the height of trees provides a good starting place for launching flight, especially through gliding. As feathers became larger over time, flapping flight evolved and birds finally became fully air-borne. This hypothesis makes intuitive sense, but certain aspects are troubling. Archaeopteryx (the earliest known bird) and its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins have no obviously arboreal adaptations, such as feet fully adapted for perching. Perhaps some of them could climb trees, but no convincing analysis has demonstrated how Archaeopteryx would have both climbed and flown with its forelimbs, and there were no plants taller than a few meters in the environments where Archaeopteryx fossils have been found. Even if the animals could climb trees, this ability is not synonymous with gliding ability. (Many small animals, and even some goats and kangaroos, are capable of climbing trees but are not gliders.) Besides, Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.
The “cursorial”(running) hypothesis holds that small dinosaurs ran along the ground and stretched out their arms for balance as they leaped into the air after insect prey or, perhaps, to avoid predators. Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm’s surface area to enhance lift slightly. Larger feathers could have increased lift incrementally, until sustained flight was gradually achieved. Of course, a leap into the air does not provide the acceleration produced by dropping out of a tree; an animal would have to run quite fast to take off. Still, some small terrestrial animals can achieve high speeds. The cursorial hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the immediate theropod dinosaur ancestors of birds were terrestrial, and they had the traits needed for high lift off speeds: they were small, agile, lightly built, long-legged, and good runners. And because they were bipedal, their arms were free to evolve flapping flight, which cannot be said for other reptiles of their time.
Q 3: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. present counterevidence to two hypotheses concerning the origins ofbird flight
B. propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
C. correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
D. refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight
E. evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
Q 4: The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?
A. Feathers tend to become larger over time
B. Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time
C. Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.
D. Plants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small
E. Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree
Q 5: Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?
A. A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx
B. A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors
C. A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight
D. A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability
E. An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne
Q 6: The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?
A. Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.
B. It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.
C. It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.
D. Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.
E. Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees


第一段,环境保护学家建议复活古代大型生物,说这样对现在的ECO SYSTEM很有好处。
第三段,说引进这种大型动物会给北美现在的生态带来哪些好处。 最后还说了还有经济上(有一道考题问下面什么动物的引进会带来经济 benefits)的好处,而且COST不高,只需要让那些大型动物在保护区内闲逛,就可以吸引很多观光客。
B是fencing off 什么植物
3)细节题:(定位第二段)说北美缺少那个动物(M开头的一个词),最有可能引起的什么效果?我选的是引起fragment ECOSYSTEM什么什么,大意是说ECOSYSTEM不完整之类的。其他选项都是比较具体的,比如说狼怎么怎么了,狮子怎么怎么了之类的。
4)主题题:Main idea of the passage,我选的是评估专家的一个proposal。其他选项都是比较具体:比如是否应该引进M这个动物之类的。
8)问哪个是specific example for economic benefit?
五组动物,都出现过,有点难找。后来发现只有elephant和 wolves算讲的比较详细,而且是分开在两个段落里出现的例子,要找一下的。另外有两三组答案,每组两个动物好像原文中都是是直接成对出现的,应该可以排除。可能这个问题的key words是“specific”, 而不是“economic”


P1 科学家有观念认为某段时间里面的某些物种的灭绝是跟火山暴发有关。然后写了那个时期的(可能是某一次,不记得了)火山爆发对环境的影响,产生dust遮天 蔽日之类。However,作者认为,这样的一次(或者这样规模)的火山暴发是不足以产生这样的效果的
P2讲当时有某个大陆板块在动,跟旁边的大陆撞在一起,引起了海平面的下降,(考点)大陆架上的生物就暴露在水面外了。后面说了这些环境变化 引起了什么厌氧还是喜氧的生物的变化,恶性循环,大气里面氧气含量减少,co2变多,加上火山暴发引起的酸雨等等乱七八糟很多的因素,造成了生物的灭绝。 逻辑其实挺强的,但是实在太复杂了,很多科学名词,看的时候觉得很有道理,但是回忆不起来了,考点不难


1)哪一项可以帮助证明第二段的结论。选的是”目前没有小颌骨的这种动物被发现“, 这样说明确实小颌骨基因被淘汰了
2)主旨题 我选undermine the assumption about the commonly use evidence,大概就是这样(不知道大家看懂了没 意思就是 因为大家都认为牙齿硬的动物都是吃硬的食物 但是结果发现并不是 )这在一段有提到,后面都在举例说明。。我才应该是这个答案吧。。不确定哦
3)问P动物的例子说明了什么 我选只要有软的食物 他们都不会去嚼硬的~~~  因为文章是说P动物有硬得牙齿 可是研究发现他们的牙齿很少洞?那个词(没看懂 但大概就那意思。。)因为他们都吃软的食物~~
Tiny marks on the teeth of an ancient human ancestor known as the "Nutcracker Man" may upset current evolutionary understanding of early hominid diet. Using high-powered microscopes, researchers looked at rough geometric shapes on the teeth of several Nutcracker Man specimens and determined that their structure alone was not enough to predict diet.
The researchers examined the teeth of Paranthropus boisei, an ancient hominin that lived between 2.3 and 1.2 million years ago and is known popularly as the "Nutcracker Man" because it has the biggest, flattest cheek teeth and the thickest enamel of any known human ancestor.Scientists long have believed that P. boisei fed on nuts and seeds or roots and tubers found in the savannas throughout eastern Africa because the teeth, cranium and mandible appear to be built for chewing and crunching hard objects.
Anthropologists have traditionally inferred the diet of ancient human ancestors by looking at the size and shape of the teeth and jaws. However, by using powerful microscopes to look at the patterns of wear on a tooth, scientists can get direct evidence of what the species actually ate.Since food interacts with teeth, it leaves behind telltale signs that can be measured. Hard foods like nuts and seeds, for instance, lead to more complex tooth profiles, while tough foods like leaves lead to more parallel scratches.
"This challenges the fundamental assumptions of why such specializations occur in nature," Ungar says. "It shows that animals can develop an extreme degree of specialization without the specialized object becoming a preferred resource."


31. Working memory和MIR(反驳旧观点)
第一段讲一个人的理论 说是记东西的时候分别用了大脑几个不同的区域(中间细节没看明白 )然后这与传统的理论不一样。中间的也忘了 ,最后说另一个人的实验还是什么的证明了这个理论是对的并否定了传统理论。
P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类(新观点)。 这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。
P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了Executive function之类的旧观点的矛盾。说明了不同的部位控制不同的功能。


第三段:有个company 发明了种More subjective way是新的一种P-什么开头的方法,company希望这个P什么方法能发挥地如同PH level-一种用于测试酒的质量的方法(有题,具体不记得了)
THE honey sold in those squeezable, bear-shaped bottles is always the same golden-brown color. But the raw honey gathered by beekeepers can be as white as snow or as dark as a Budweiser bottle, and it must be blended in order to produce the consistent versions familiar to shoppers. Bees, it seems, don't concern themselves too much with the aesthetic preferences of human consumers.
But for beekeepers, honey hues are a primary concern. Paler honeys can be sold to producers at a premium, on the theory that their flavors are subtler and their tints more appealing to gourmet shoppers -- that is, those who buy their honey in glass jars rather than plastic, ursine bottles.
A classic industry tiff, then, has found the beekeeper who contends that his honey is virtually white arguing with the middleman who sniffs that it's merely a light amber.
Hanna Instruments invented the C 221 Honey Color Analyzer to end such quarrels. This laptop-sized gadget automatically grades a honey sample's color and settles once and for all whether a beekeeper's haul merits an extra few cents a pound.
Honey color assessment has typically been done with the help of a tool called a Pfund grader, a black box with a thin, see-through opening and a color chart that runs from white to brown. The sample is placed in front of the opening, and an observer matches the honey's color to a spot on the chart. The Pfund grade is determined by how many millimeters that spot deviates from the far left of the chart: zero to eight millimeters is known as ''water white,'' 8 to 17 millimeters is ''extra white,'' and so on. The darkest, at more than 114 millimeters to the right, is dark amber.
Any system that relies on eyeball judgments, of course, is doomed to create bickering.
''What I see and what you see might be two different things,'' said Michael Bogolawski, an applications engineer for Hanna, based in Woonsocket, R.I. ''I might say it's this grade, and you might say, 'No, it's closer to this grade.' With this meter, we've eliminated the subjectivity.''
The Hanna analyzer is similar to several of the company's other testing devices, which are used widely in the wine industry to measure pH levels and in the water industry to check for chlorine.
The honey grading machine is basically a photometer, which measures the amount of light absorbed by a substance. A tungsten lamp floods the sample with light, and a sensor measures precisely how much is reflected. The darker the honey, the fewer the rebounding photons.
The analyzer's software correlates the amount of returned light with the Pfund scale and gives a readout on a digital screen. Hanna says the analyzer's Pfund grades are accurate within two millimeters.
Though there are about 2.5 million commercial bee colonies in the nation, according to the Agriculture Department, Hanna understands that the market for its Honey Color Analyzer is somewhat narrow. Since the device made its debut in January 2004, the company's sales team has focused on attending trade shows, like the American Beekeeping Federation's annual convention, and traveling rural highways in search of professional beekeepers. Lou Niewiecki, a Hanna salesman, estimated that the company has sold ''a few hundred'' of the analyzers, at $500 apiece.
The Hanna machine, unfortunately, can't solve a more pressing problem in the industry: the invasion of the Varroa mite, a parasitic Asian insect that feasts on bee larvae. According to the National Honey Board, this ravenous mite has already destroyed up to 50 percent of the hives in California, the nation's largest honey producer.
If the situation persists, beekeepers may soon feel nostalgic for the days when their biggest headache was arguing over Pfund grades.



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